This is Berlin – one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Europe, where over 200 languages are spoken.
    All these languages can be commonly heard in the subway, which is over 120 years old!
    The underground’s insanely well-designed routes allow you to easily traverse through Berlin, starting from the Zoo, which has the most comprehensive collection of species in the world (over one and a half thousand), ending with Alexanderplatz – the central square of Berlin. From where a stunning view of the “Fernsehturm” (a TV tower) opens. Berlin is also known for its impressive architecture design. For example, this is the University of Potsdam, which looks cool as inside, as outside; another example is the Reichstag building and Berlin Cathedral, the latter is built in the Baroque Revival style.
    Ohh, I completely forgot about the famous Berlin Wall! Don’t worry, it didn’t fall. I mean the part called East Side Gallery with its classic graffiti.
    Thanks @Robert_est for the video clips from his trip!
    Voiceover, Editing, Effects, Idea, Script, Subtitles – @et8 (My Main Channel)
    For contact –

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