I have been riding bikes for a very long time, but I have never actually thought about bike fit.

    I currently have a choice between two commuter bikes and am taking the opportunity to consider bike fit.

    I have owned the Marin for a long time and always felt it was a bit too big. It replaced a Gary Fisher Zebrano which was my favorite bike of all time (and naturally got stolen in 2004).

    The Trek belonged to my dad who is just an inch shorter than me. It seems like a much smaller frame, but I feel like the Trek is the right size.

    But I hesitate, because the Marin is the only bike I ever bought where the bike shop person really spent time making sure I got the right size.

    Is the bike shop person right? Is the Maris the right size? Or is the smaller frame on the Trek better for me?

    What do I need to be looking for if I want to over analyze this?

    I ride my bike in an area with a lot of suburban stop signs so I rarely hit anything resembling a top speed.

    by doctorboredom

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