300 CRAZY & INSANE Motorcycle Moments Of The Week | Motorcycle Crashes 2024

    Oh my god, the incident happened so quickly and caused serious traffic jams. Luckily he was safe and the incident ended with compensation from the driver.
    Please pay attention to the biker’s motorcycle crashes mirror, and you will see it.
    Oh, how wonderful that this beautiful girl shares the same hobby of loving large displacement motorcycle crashes with bikers!
    Luckily, with many years of experience riding motorcycle crashes, the biker was able to handle the dangerous situation that just happened. To ensure safety, ride a motorcycle crashes slowly.
    An incident happened to a biker when he wanted to accelerate quickly. Luckily, he is safe. Always be careful when riding a motorcycle crashes.

    Ride Safe! All videos and content in this video are intended for adult audiences only. We do not encourage the actions contained in this video. All videos are for educational for riders and viewers.

    🦈Hello, we are SWAG Lab – Motorcycle Crash. Our videos compile footage of Motorcycle Moments with the aim of educating riders on road safety. You’ll be impressed by the most insane Motorcycle Moments, captured from various angles and accompanied by detailed information. Please note that we do not endorse Motorcycle Moments and always encourage safety. If you’re ready, let’s go to the first Motorcycle Moments video!

    🦈Don’t forget to subscribe to SWAG Lab and watch the latest videos uploaded every day!

    🦈 Watch more:
    SWAG Lab Motorcycle Crash Video: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhFV8voUsFcIcLqxgnZfw9DnLF0LUrKnf
    Bikers & Angry People: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhFV8voUsFcK20Ctcsl25OIdNcflmWoU0
    Crazy & Insane Motorcycle Moments: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhFV8voUsFcKSf9WfC9RcwD4v18RQnCr3
    Motorcycle Crash Compilation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhFV8voUsFcL67wyWtKoqbmYR4PONOe2y

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    #Motorcycles #Bikers #SWAGLab #motorcyclemoments


    1. I am a biker myself, but the behaviour of some bikers who think they are gods on the road and can afford more than others is an embarrassment to well behaved bikers.

    2. Just stop commenting. The most stupid comments in the video from a guy who knows nothing about motorcycles. This comment just killed it "before stopping at the red light always signal the person behind of your intentions". Signal how? With hands, butt, legs or head? Brake lights are indicating stopping, the problem is most of car drivers ignore it and so no hard braking should be applied unless absolutely needed. Had to stop watching video just coz of * comentating.

    3. People make mistakes, as a motorcyclist it is out duty to anticipate as many made by others as possible. I pretend everyone is trying to kill me. Constantly making myself seen and heard. always assume they gonna make the worst decision. Ride safe, wear gear

    4. Defensively riding is the only safe way to travel on a motorcycle & if you're traveling over 20MPH faster than the others out there
      on the roads w/ you, they will have no idea just how fast that is until you either pass them or slam into them. Cars/Trucks can't
      gauge the acceleration of a motorcycle and while that acceleration is great fun for you…..Umm, it's what also gets you dead as
      none of the others out there driving will know/understand just how fast you will reach their vehicle? How can they know that
      you can go from 30mph – 100mph in less than 3-5 seconds? They do not know & so you've got to slow down to a reasonable
      speed with the others who you share the roads with. If ya don't & you crash, they really didn't know where you were going or
      how amazingly fast you'd get to that place….. slow down to ride another day… OR Don't? Up to you

    5. 車線の間をバイクが猛スピードで抜けていくことは問題ないのか?車からしたら邪魔で仕方ない。また、右左折してく車の横をすり抜けて内輪差で巻き込まれているバイクいるがどうなるか想像できないのか?マナー悪すぎないか?

    6. That van Towing the motorcycle it doesn't look like it's a crime if you look closely he has some type of Gizmo That was supposed to hold the motorcycle up in that looks like it's his own motorcycle that he's dragging and he doesn't even check his mirrors but that really looks like that's his motorcycle and it's supposed to be supported on the van and those are emergency cables holding the bike in place

    7. ナンバープレートを隠した悪質なオートバイも映像に入っている為、車、オートバイ共に悪質なドライバーが居る事を教えてくれています。

    8. Just spent my 27th birthday in the hospital after a bike crash that broke my leg, ankle, foot and all my toes in one foot. Luckily after surgery they saved my foot. My surgeon said ill never walk the same again and might need 1-3 toes amputated dependent on how it all heals. I got a lot of metal in me now. Im done with bike life, u guys still enjoying the life be careful out there.

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