Distinguished political analyst Come Carpentier de Gourdon, speaks to Hindol Sengupta about –

    – the long-term repercussions of the French Olympics opening ceremony on the sociopolitical landscape of France,
    – whether there are deepening divisions in the French society,
    – the arrest of Anjem Choudary in the UK and the wider impact of raids on mosques in Germany,
    – the impact of these developments on the European Union and its fight against Russia,
    – whether the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh could trigger a wider war in the Middle East, and
    – the decisive US elections and its impact on the US- Israel relations.


    1. This is a topic which despite its red hot current relevance , gets supressed in a global orthodoxy of political correctness and caprice of western leadership. Having exploited every fissure in every geography including Islamist egregiousness ( Pakistan) , they have taken the hypocrisy to a level where it is now biting them. The facetiousess with which the Brits pampered the Khalistans, Pakistanis on their soil was terrible. Ditto Canada. The smug conceit is now getting disturbed. Unless they are existentially threatened they will play the double game forever. There is a Punjabi saying that captures this – " the wise man sits on his own shit".

    2. Anjem Chaudhary was in jail in the past as well. I don’t know why hw was released. The best option is to put him in isolation in a far off island

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