1. Mondo Duplantis is the definition of World's most dominant athlete right now. No one can touch him. But Sydney and Femke are going to serve up one Hell of a final in the 400m. Both are remarkable.

    2. The Olympics- where people just aren't doing previously set record levels, even given better dieting, still probably doping, and training with the best science that has no gimmicks. I just think it's odd because people 'become the best now' by becoming closer to previously set records, and the rest are simply like placeholders, that aren't quite as good, aren't even expected to, and thus probably won't win, or break records. The fact some records are 'unbroken' does say alot about how good the last era athletes were but.. they didn't have 'all' advantages of today's athletes. McLaughlin is simply closer or close to the previous 'top running records', even if not the fastest ever. She still hasn't beaten some previously set records in the last decades, even as good as she is. Bol is an example of finding someone in the wild, training them up right, and turns out their natural talent may put them at #1 or #2; yes she is amazing and <1%, but there could be someone else like that. I'm not diminishing the toughness of the sport to increase just a small amount, or understating anything, I am just saying.. it certainly makes the existing olympics look a bit worse, and with the idea that, yes they are 'top 1%' level but there could just be someone 'in the world' that sort of does better, or if they 'applied the dieting/training' would do better, so it makes me think it's a bit like inefficient. Even with all the 'systems' in place for medicine, spots, etc. it highlights the world has so many peopel inefficiencies and a lit of it (inefficient, corruption, etc) would be diminished if we had more Nazis and simply 'intelligent' people around lol.

      Lastly there is no 'cooperation' at these top levels anyway. Even though you may say, top runners like Bolt, or others have genetic length in their legs and a few advantages that can't be overcome by any amountof work, they do share what they are doing anyway. It is obvious to me McLaughlin is a champion but she distances herself from the others, for a reason.. she likely trains better and realizes it. To be unique and better, means sometimes being alone. That makes sense when she has to maintain or compete with others, you don't just give away the 'secrets' or 'what you are doing', I guess.. but it seems a bit odd to me as well; because I don't think that she is like 'the best in the world' based on the concepts around, like there are definitely some people out there where 'if you trained them up' they are like Bol and their natural talent+training would put them at top positions, even better than the curent top positions; it is just that everyone sort of gets worse or sometimes there is no one optimal.. (even though there is also one thing to consider "you have to work with the things/people you have, not what you had/wish you had" which is reality, however, there is just a lot more inefficiency in such systems, than people like to believe..)(including the 'belief in jews' who believe in poisoning people to keep them weaker than them, which is part of the worldwide brainwashing mentality, certainly does not help individuals to reach their best potential; also, these people think they are 'entrenched' and 'systems are entrenched', they believe in keeping control over it, so people who 'have skill and can beat these people' usually have a lot more hurdles to overcome because cheaters keep them from obtaining wealth, obtaining basics, covet knowledge, etc)

      This last accusation is 'far fetched' but I bet Bol does not even use drugs. She is innocently skilled. McLaughlin may have some 'type of drug' and I can picture Bol finding out and getting emotional that the top runner is doping. There are all sort of factors, you don't know who is really top based on that, and as said, some 'previous records that seem they should be broken' are not even near to being set in certain areas.. because technically, we are training an doping placeholders not the best talent in the world which should 'by science/stats' be breaking (or at least matching) those records rn. The reason we like it is because being skilled, 'is' the natural order, and it's different from the 'artificial order' where we think cheaters can succeed and keep skilled people away; or even peopel seem genetically inclined to be jewish, only causingissues, stealing light of people who have a lot of light to shine. Their attitude is one like 'thats BS!' but because they do it that way, they don't really think a naturally skilled person might marginally do a bit better than them.. and that is the same mindset that holds back a lot people today, that believe the totally wrong things. When 'really good pepole' do things right, without cheating, these people of today have a marginally worse performance than them, and don't even believe it was possible; they really thought they were the best at whatever it is. Well these athletes are mostly not even at levels of the past era sometimes. They are bound to be beaten when natural skill comes and the next Bol or Flo comes.

    3. Yulimar Rojas is the most dominant athlete today. 4 straight World Championship golds in Womens triple Jump. Silver medal in Rio and Gold in Tokyo (sadly injured and missing this olympics). She also has 3 straight indoor gold medals. Set world record in Tokyo olympics and then broke that record at the World cup the next year. She has 9 of the longest jumps ever, including the 4 longest.

    4. I don't see this as a "fierce" rivalry. How could anyone be fierce when it comes to Femke Bol? She's too chirpy for that. It's more a healthy rivalry, and we desperately need them in athletics. Things like this transcend national backing, like Karston Warholm and Mondo Duplantis. You just love watching these athletes and hoping they do well.

    5. It takes good PEDS just like Flojo coached by Kersee the drug pusher to reach these heights of achievement. Everyone in the industry knows that there are chemical barriers to breaking today's records.

    6. Femko Bol is awesome, captured everyone’s attention when she fell down while she was first in relay. I’m a US citizen so I’m supporting our Sydney; 400 m hurdles is her thing.

    7. Sidney is probably the fastest. But some attention for her strange competitive behavior is also worthwhile. She wins a big race and then disappears from the radar for months/years. Then she comes back and wins with record times. If this were a non-American athlete, I know what would we would be hearing from the States. Yes, I know about her fears, but it remains very strange. Every athlete needs to race with the competition to be in the proper form. It remains very strange that she does not do that.

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