MOLDOVA – Why Nobody Visits This Country?

    Moldova, a small landlocked country nestled between Romania and Ukraine, remains one of Europe’s least visited nations, despite its rich cultural heritage, scenic landscapes, and historical significance. Several interrelated factors contribute to its low tourist numbers, ranging from economic challenges and political instability to poor infrastructure and lack of international visibility. Understanding why Moldova remains off the beaten tourist track requires a comprehensive examination of these various elements.

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    1. i am from moldova and from the moment i remember myself, we were taught that we are the most hardworking men on earth. But the truth is, most people of moldova are corupt, thiefs and alcoholics. A part of the population dont even speak the national language, even tho they are born in it. The Soviet Union left us with the mentality to steal, drink and be envious of our neighbors. I hope the new generation will fix the problems that the old one left us with, but after living abroad for some years, i just dont see myself returning to my home country. Sad true.

    2. Not a penny for those sharks, misreable people exploiting their own folks. I have heard about macro agricultural corporations too. Only if the Moldovian changes it´s government, way of conducting democraacy and economy we will trust to invest on any level. It is a beautiful country and lovely people which got to wake up while they would get international support from the European Union and the US for sure.

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