Just an honest video of what’s it like in St. Paul’s Bay – Bugibba & Qawra in Malta. This video represents my personal opinion, plus the presented state of things here. Sustainability levels of this island are becoming exhausted.

    St. Paul’s Bay, Malta is a local council consisting of Bugibba, Qawra and St. Paul’s Bay residential areas. Full of shops, restaurants, hotels and couple of local seafood stores. It is also the most populated town in Malta, and the town with most of the construction works after St. Julian’s and Sliema.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexmarktravel/
    #malta #bugibba #currentaffairs #stpauls #bay #qawra #restaurants #shops #hotels #mediterranean #island

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    1. Im maltese and yes it pains me to see this but also what pains me is that construction it start all at the same time and never know when they finish

    2. im sorry not to be rude or anything but you're only showing one side of the island – bugibba/qawra i believe, and those places are generally not the nicest, cleanest. Other localities are not this bad

    3. " Not What You Think"???
      A very long tourist selfie here….
      Welcome, a lot for you to learn and explore here, and that is a good thing, you know.
      Obviously you 've never been here in winter.
      Yes, this is maybe not your place, but there are so many different countries, no one forces you to stay if you don t like it!

    4. You are exaggerating, you just been caught lying about rubbish , as you that it stays for longs hours, just behind you the rubbish collectors were collecting the rubbish. Its better you check what is happening in your country.

    5. HOW DARE YOU trying to picture Malta in this Negative way !!!! There are lots and lots of Good things apart that it's a beautiful island!!! You deserve to be fired from this island,Malta does not need you here!!! And being a foreigner and trying to do all this harm to this island!!! You deserve ,OUT of this beautiful island!!!! Your video is all Negative!!! I hope that people who watch this video will ALSO see other videos about Malta!!!Just leave MALTA ALONE!!!

    6. Malta is beautiful and it has given me a lot in my professional n personal life within just 1 and a half year (even when I’m not an EU citizen).It may differ from person to person but the place is so peaceful. ❤

    7. Hi Alex, I am Local Maltese and when I say local I mean I was born and raised in Malta and lived in Qawra/ Bugibba until the age of 18, I then moved to teh UK, I have just returned from a holiday to visit family for two weeks, I do agree on some of the points you have made but unfortunately in your videos you have failed to emphasis why Malta is in this situation, as mentioned I agree on some of the points such as the rubbish situation but this where you failed to mention the massive influx of expats that have moved to Malta (not complaining about people moving in I am only talking about volume) more people + more rubbish + Mobility = more traffic and pollution you mentioned construction but think about it, such as yourself you have moved to Malta (and this is not a personal attack on you) if this construction did not take place where do you think you would of ended up living ? because flats and apartments don't magically appear and if construction did not take place the few properties available would be double the price because demand would surpass supply by miles, you have also mentioned Tenerife I want to remind you something, population in Tenerife is around 954,300 people with 2,034 square kilometres (785 sq mi) Malta on the other hand is 316 km² with a population of 535,000 (I believe this much more) Tenerife is bigger than Malta by 1,718.38 sq km, Tenerife is around 6.44 times bigger than Malta. I will also remind you that in 2022 2.3 million people visited Malta, no wonder the beaches are overcrowded, very sorry but you are not comparing apples for apples, Malta is massively over populated and as such issues of over population with naturally come to light. I agree on food shopping very expensive and that is me comparing to UK prices however Malta has got a lot to offer and I am not surprised that many want to move there, a British family ones said to me Malta is like Marmite you either love it or hate it (had to research what the hell marmite is 🤣) and I do agree. PS I used to love living in Malta/ Qawra I have many amazing memories that will always be with me

    8. For everyone saying how negative this video is, I am Maltese and everything he said was true unfortunately. Pollution, overpopulation, rubbish everywhere and the ever so wonderful traffic. You can get stuck for hours in traffic on a Sunday. So before you blabber try and see the facts for yourself.
      Illegal immigrants have flooded our streets and cheap labour everywhere you go. Just sprouting some facts for all the keyboard warriors out there 🙂

    9. I live here to and everything in this video is true ,it's just been voted the noisiest place in EU to live.I live in gozo but sadly in gozo it is now getting like this especially Marsalforn.The video is true of most areas of Malta, it relies on tourism and construction they just keep building upwards for greed and so called investment has anyone stress tested the buildings they are building on as if not there is probably a case a existing building could collapse.Probably not as health and safety doesn't exist here.

    10. Obviously,you went to the parts of Malta where work is undergoing,I must remind you that malta''s economy is booming at the moment,and works are everywhere you look,with lots of opportunities.over 200k expatriates are living and working in Malta,so one could expect some drawback from the event.I must say that you mentioned the garbage problem,which that is the citizens to blame for not following the rule,you are probably financed by the opposition party,as that is the main subject here at the moment.Malta is great hotspot for a relaxing holiday….Viva Malta !

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