A protester who taunted riot police with cries saying “I pay your wages” was bitten on the backside by a police dog.

    Protests erupted in Hartlepool on Thursday night in the aftermath of three young girls being stabbed to death in Southport on Monday.

    A number of officers were injured and an 11-year-old was arrested on suspicion of arson after a police car was set on fire.

    Read more: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/02/watch-hartlepool-protester-bitten-on-backside-by-police-dog/

    #hartlepool #policedog #riots #southport


    1. I completely disagree with these guys' cause, but we should also be disgusted that the police are setting attack dogs on the public, he was clearly not a threat.

    2. Is he a "rioter" or a protestor? Don't recall seeing police dogs biting "rioters" causing unrest, criminal damage and assaulting police officers and equipment in Leeds, London and at Manchester airport recently. Now why is that? 🤔

    3. No dogs at the BLM riots. If the police behave like that much more there really are going to be problems. They were not under any threat and yet they used force.

    4. from bbc Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood says those turning up to protests with the intent to cause disorder will "face the full force of the law"

    5. Pays his wages with what dole money? More like our taxes are paying for the benefits these far right chavs claim. Bloody alcohol levels higher than their IQ

    6. Pay his wages? With what, his welfare cheque and food stamps? These cousin kissing, creek water sipping, tobacco chewing trailer boys are comical. I didn’t think England was so trashy 😂😂😂😂

    7. Es desgarrador que la policía castigue a un manifestante a ser mordido por los perros. Solo he visto este tipo de actuaciones contra manifestantes que de un modo u otro están posicionados contra políticas globalistas, ya sea por temas de inmigración, medidas COVID 19, etc.

    8. Cuándo han visto que en una manifestación sean detenidos centenares de personas, y se las busque hasta en sus casas días después para ser apresados? lo que está ocurriendo es una represión totalitaria, ya no hay ley, ni democracia ni derechos ciudadanos.

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