Around 400 people have been arrested and some have been appearing in court today over violence in Sheffield, Sunderland, Liverpool, Southport, Hartlepool and Belfast.


    Yesterday far-right troublemakers targeted hotels containing asylum seekers.

    One was in Tamworth, a few miles north of here.

    In another in Rotherham they tried to set a Holiday Inn on fire with people still inside it.

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    1. Setting a hotel on fire that houses men women and children. Absolutely disgusting. People who spread misinformation on social media need to be sent to prison.

    2. Any news on the Asian gangs causing violence last night? Birmingham being the biggest incident. Zero police and white people attacked, even a crew skynews was attacked.

      2 tier policing on show, why hasn't any people from the recent Leeds or Manchester rioters named? Seems to be only the so called "far right" being shamed.

    3. Netanyahu succeeded once again in planting his agents to organize chaos and to continue his war crimes in Gaza out of sight… and this is popular. Where are these sheep from the Alzheimer’s queen? The English people are true, as they say about them, an old people with no thought or sovereignty, walking on… America's hand… I thank you for leaving the Union 🇪🇺 I was afraid that we would catch your disease and that Europe would fall, so you would fall alone… a civil war, I am sure.

    4. Uk media and Government are gass lighting the sh*t out of the uk population, never mind (YOUNG) children lost lives and uk residents including past serving members of armed forces snubbed whilst those from abroad housed at (OUR) expense !!!!!!

      Channel 4 dont pull the islamobphobia card you pushed the WMD Iraq agenda more than anyone we all know what you broadcasted back then ,especially during the London sucide attack which was evidently perpetrated by Islamic extremists, now you are playing tbis pathetic card.
      Absolutely shameful.
      Come on wake up !!!!

    5. We are in a cost of living crisis and now all this has to be paid for . Do you think the cuts will come from the illegal refugees support. I think NOT I think as always the British working people and our elderly will suffer . Very sad 😔

    6. For 9 months now, we saw pro Amas-antisemitic filled islamists protests all over UK cities, now "peaceful community" knows what that feels like and they don't like it🙄…

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