I ride from Kasama to Mpika, in Zambia, in Africa.
    On the way, the police is surprised to see me riding a bicycle through places where I might come across lions. After having some biltong for lunch, and after meeting many friendly locals, I dive into the bush to hide for the night.

    My book (in English and in French): https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B096QVMXWZ also https://www.amazon.fr/~/e/B096QVMXWZ

    Support the channel:
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KinoYves

    Follow my journey:
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    #africa #zambia #lion


    1. One very good thing I've noticed in all your journeys is that you never encouraged or entertained by giving out money to any strangers. "Work & earn" mentality is the only way forward.

    2. If you keep eating beef you don’t gain calories you can lost your life anytime. Hindu! And who eat beef never peaceful

    3. The guy who rode your bike doesn't take no for an answer 😀 and sounds subtly slurred; makes me allude that he might have unnoticeable mental challenges
      But put on the right directions, he could be very successful

    4. You got it wrong, Biltong was first made by the Southern African hunter gatherers, The Boers only introduced the spices after their arrival which is recent compared to African tribes who have been doing it for thousands of years

    5. hi there, safe night. Maybe some camouflage fabric to cover the bike and tent would be handy. All the best in your next journeys…

    6. Les récentes venues en France du Premier ministre indien, et celle du "roi" d'Angleterre ont coûté, CHACUNE, 470 000 euros au contribuable français. Et vous regrettez les 2 ou 3 euros de barres chocolatées offertes à un jeune garçon sur le chemin de retour de l'école ? Redescendez sur terre, cher ami, la générosité et la gentillesse ne sont pas des comportements honteux.
      Merci pour la vidéo et bonne suite de votre voyage dans ce continent actuellement si agité. 😀

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