A legend and a gentleman, Greg Lemond joins Matt Stephens in the Champagne region of Northern France for the latest episode of the Sigma Sports Café Ride.

    He may have won the Tour de France three times, but poor Greg never got the opportunity to spray a bottle of Champagne from the podium. Given the backdrop, surely Matt will take this opportunity to put it right today… won’t he?!

    For more information on this Cafe Ride episode, please visit:


    Shop the bike and kit Matt Stephens is using in this episode:


    Watch previous Cafe Ride episodes:


    With thanks to:

    The Royal Champagne Hotel
    Kathy Lemond
    Greg Lemond
    Patrick Chastagner


    AP Photo
    PA Images
    Alamy Stock Photo
    Henri and Marcel Besson
    Pierre Gleizes
    Benjamin Werner
    Lionel Cironneau

    Article references:




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    1. Not sure which I'm enjoying more, this amazing video, or the love for Greg flowing in all the comments. Greg loves to tell a story, and boy does he have a ton of them. All from a pretty crazy period of cycling. Excelling in any sport is insanely difficult, but to do so in the politically charged and medically questionable times Greg faced as an 'outsider' is especially heroic. Is there a rule that Greg can't come back for more? 😀

    2. Great video! Greg LeMond is and always will be one of my favorite all-time professional cyclists. I read everything I could about him, his riding technique and, of course, his book. Much of my riding style was and still is based on his riding style…and Stephen Roche…and Laurent Fignon. I remember actually having dreams where I was riding with Greg Le Mond on my regular riding routes. Of course, he always let me keep up with him. I think his winning the Tour de France 3 times and Worlds twice marked the point when cycling turned the corner on becoming more popular in the United States. He's a true legend.

    3. Greg always comes across as an honest and genuinely nice bloke. It saddens me to the core how he was treated by others in the industry.

    4. Greg, now we continue our tour de vida (tour de life) racing: our rivals are excess central adiposity syndrome, ageism, fitness, nutrition, dyslipidemia, dysmetabolic syndrome X, arthritis, hypertension, which are continuously trying to take us down to the path of sedentary lifestyle, overindulgence in fast foods, street foods, and lack of a consistent physically active lifestyle at least 30 minutes daily x5 days a week.

    5. What a great guy. Like doing a cafe ride with your best mates dad, who just happens to have won the tour de france more than once but is still a fun loving guy

    6. Ok, there was Eddy Merkx…..and then …..then there was Greg LeMond. The beginning, middle and end of pro cycling, inspiration, determination and spirit. Period. Full stop. Absolutely fantastic interview. Matt is nothing but the best as an interviewer and his guests are always compelling. Greg LeMond…..it just DOES NOT GET BETTER. Cheers mate.

    7. So good! So good!! Thanks for highlighting the living legend that is Greg Lemond. I just LOVE the story of your connection to Greg on Alpe d'Huez and you media career! Instamatic! shot Brilliant!

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