Made a trip down to Bjuröklubb Nature Reserve on the last day of April. There is a secluded beach at the south end of the Nature Reserve that during winter is really difficult to access. You’re not allowed to camp in the Nature Reserve, but at the secluded beach there is a wind shelter that you’re allowed to use. So I put up my tent inside the shelter and prepared a delicious dinner consisting of reindeer stew with mushrooms and lingonberries. The night that followed was brutally cold. It went down to -5C/23F. I got up at 4 AM to be able to witness the stunning sunrise over the Bothnian Bay. After packing up my tent I made my way back to the big road and started cycling north to the North end of the Nature Reserve where I enjoyed my breakfast at the lighthouse looking out over the cliffs.

    Reindeer stew for 1 person:
    100 g reindeer meat
    1 chopped onion
    4 mushrooms
    1 dl cream
    A little bit of soy sauce
    Served with lingonberries


    1. The Songswanes, correctly named whooper swan in english, recently where grassing here in South of Jutland(DK). (In danish sangsvane næsten som på svenska sångsvan) Glad to see them with you. I love Swedish and Norwegian nature. It is so inspiring you make these small tours.

    2. Seeing the coordinates, I remembered when I was able to pedal through Tromso, Norway in almost 70N.
      the northern countries are wonderful

    3. Fantastic video 👍 it's great to listen to you chatting in your videos but these past few silent videos and really meditative! One of the reasons I cycle is for the quiet and tranquility, the sound of birds, the wind and trickling of water- when you film like this I feel like I am there – just love it 🙏 btw, you should write a bicycle touring cook book – you cook and eat great meals, beats my usual cup'a soup and noodles 😄 very inspirational 👍👍

    4. Beautiful short film Mike … a special part of our planet captured so well! oh and the food looks yummy too, Looking forward to the next 🚴‍♂️🎥👋🇨🇦

    5. I'm moving to Northern Sweden,Mike…….I wish.Stunning video and scenery. Makes you want to get on the bike and ride. Take care,stay safe.

    6. Your videos get better and better, Mike! You manage to capture and create a really nice atmosphere. You may have provided the information before but do you mind me asking what kind of tech set up you use, such as camera and video editing software? I'm pretty clueless but curious about that stuff! Thanks and greetings from the South West of Ireland.

    7. Breathtakingly beautiful!

      The landscape and cinematography that is. Not you Michael…😉.

      I like the sound of an organised tour. I’m subscribed so will watch out for it 👍.

    8. Lovely, Mike.
      Reindeer stew with mushrooms and lingonberries sounds delicious. Thank you for the recipé. I ate reindeer a couple of times – in Norway – and can testify that it is a strong flavoured meat.
      The furthest north I ever camped was Olderfjord, Troms og Finnmark, Norway, 70°28′25″N. Fortunately, it was Summer.

    9. It's beautiful how you told a story without saying a word, made it interesting without a single song, and still was able to capture the essence of bike touring by yourself. Beautiful scenery, and also mad skills for setting up those shots, picking the best lighting and editing this for us!

    10. Nice one Mike 👍 and the sunrise timed sequence over the sea was great , the weather was on your side with the sun even thought it looked absolutely freezing. At least you had the place to yourself.
      I should imagine that shelter place is a popular stop for hikers and cycle tourers in the summer months.
      Take care and stay safe

    11. Great!…Great!…video Mikael. Absolutely stunning cinematography at play here… I put it on the big screen so my wife could watch with…big hit! Thanks Mike, throughly enjoyed this episode.

    12. Fantastic video, very tranquil. I cycled along my local coastal nature reserve the other week, it was a touch warmer though. The reindeer stroganoff looked delicious, have you ever eaten it with rowan (mountain ash) jelly? I can't wait for the spin off channel 'Cooking with Mike' 😂

    13. You like to eat, as much as you like to cycle. But you also like to make videos and they are very good! Always looking forward to get the next one!
      I'm jealous now… I was supposed to be on my way from Belgium to Spain/Portugal already, but … postponed of course. I probably will have to find an alternative, but can not decide where to go for a 3month bicycle tour.

    14. That was an awesome video. Food looked great and loved the wine glass. Here in Vermont I have to sleep with my phone and power banks in the colder weather too. Love winter camping only second to bike touring. Take care and stay safe, Al

    15. Hi Mike, I follow you here and there on YT, should be in your beautiful country in 2022 crossing from Lulea back in switzerland. Many thanks for your great video

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