Latest riot news in the UK has ebike riders worried. Charlie Veitch warned us about civil war. Rotherham Holiday Inn protestors turned riot then entered an immigration hotel after the Southport incident. Ebike ride through riots in Liverpool, Hull, London, and Southport as I investigate what is happening in the UK. Why are riots occurring? In this video, I explore why this has erupted into riots instead of peaceful protests. Latest riots update UK news. I can’t ride my emtb peacefully through the streets, so I investigate why Merseyside is being turned upside down by rioters. Rasta on a bike discovers why the UK is the most dangerous place to be right now with all this street tension. My wish is for peace for all! I pick no sides; my heart breaks for families affected by the Southport incident. Rasta on a bike

    Join us as we embark on an eye-opening ebike journey through the streets of the UK, exploring the recent riots that have sparked discussions about civil unrest and the potential for a civil war. This video delves into the heart of the Southport riots, examining the far-right movements and their implications on communities across the nation. We’ll also touch on the London riots and Hartlepool riots, uncovering the underlying causes and the societal tensions that have led to these outbreaks of riots

    As we navigate through Middlesbrough and Southport, we’ll witness firsthand the impact of vandalism and crime on local neighborhoods. This electric bike adventure not only showcases the beauty of ebike travel but also highlights the urgent need for activism trends in today’s turbulent climate.

    Stay informed on UK news as we provide insights into the ongoing protests and their significance in shaping the future of our society. Don’t miss out on this critical exploration of a nation in turmoil. Tune in and ride along as we uncover whether these events are merely riots or if they signify something far more serious.

    Subscribe for more content on ebike journeys and the pressing issues affecting our world today!


    1. This channel is pure gold. Keep it up.

      The racists look like an absolute disgrace, fortunately they're not doing their cause any favours – keep your heads low and this will burn out. At least the media and mps won't be able to pretend they're not a bunch of posh racists, either, and we can start addressing the real causes for people being poor.

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