I’m really fortunate to be living in Northern Sweden at the moment. The combination of our government’s level-headed approach to the whole situation plus living in a very remote area means I probably have the best opportunites of all bike tourists in the world to go bike touring at the moment.

    We had a setback in the spring weather which made me postpone my bike touring plans for a couple of days. But i eventually made it out to do another bike overnight with the ambition to avoid running into other people along the way.

    I finally made my way down to an area a couple of dozen kilometers south of my home town, situated between two small lakes. There I found a nice picnic area where I prepared my dinner. After eating a delicious typical Swedish dinner I found a nice campspot located just a stone’s throw away.

    The morning after I packed up my tent and gear and hit the road. Just a short while after I left the campsot I found another nice picnic by a lake where I enjoyed a light breakfast while listening to the swans and cranes singing in the morning.


    1. Hey Mike!

      I haven't watched your videos in several months, your producing quality has definitely improved during this time, I will make sure to check up your stuff more often from now on. Keep up the good work!

    2. Holy cow Mikael. ..that closing scene made me walk outside to get a face full of sunshine….peaceful as heck! Actually got me off my duff to get my bike ready for the c14 release…thanks Mike…appreciate the encouragement! Stay safe!!!

    3. Thanks for the video!
      I have my vacation coming up over here in Holland but I can't really go out for a Corona Solitude inspired adventure.
      Too many people and not enough nature over here.

    4. You are very lucky, here in Spain we have not pedaled for almost two months.
      Your videos really like …. spectacular landscapes and also transmit peace and tranquility

    5. Nice tour Mike. I'm a little bit jealous, over here in The Netherlands there are to many people and we don't have allemansrätten. So I have to do with day trips in the area I live.

    6. Not jealous at all that we aren't allowed out yet to camp lol , nice overnighter Mike with that stunning sunset enjoying your meatballs and cider . stay safe atb Dave

    7. Hej Mike, another great video to pass the time on a night shift. Looked very peaceful. I bet you can't wait for summer. The meatballs looked wonderful, I could almost taste them.

    8. Tack Mikael för ännu en trevlig film! Fina rastplatser ni har i Sverige, dylika saknar vi längs finska vägar. Har gjort kortare cykelturer hela vintern med en natts övernattningar i naturen och ser fram emot sommarens långtur. Hade planerat att cykla Cykelspåret längs Östkusten Stockholm-Ystad, via Bornholm till Danmark och sedan färja från Travemünde till Helsingfors men eftersom gränsen är stängd får det bli en långtur i insjöfinland (Saimen) och Åland. Försöker att inte planera så mycket på förhand! Trevligt att se dig använda Trangias stormkök! Äger själv 3 st varav 1 från 1970-talet ärvd av min pappa. Tyngre än de nya. Föredrar gasbrännaren eftersom den sotar mindre. Ha en skön vår i sadeln, och fortsätt med dina inspirerande videon!

    9. Thanks Mike , another great vid you make it seem like we are riding with you well filmed and set.
      And as for your cooking you could do a separate channel 🤣
      Cant wait to get out out there on my next bike trip
      Stay safe 👍

    10. Vety nice video👍.and those meatballs looked very tasty😋 Just wondering, the Swedish countryside here seems to be mostly forests and lakes…are there any big mountains in Sweden?…I like to cycle amid mountain scenery 😃

    11. Excellent video Mike! I really relax watching your bicycle tours. You are very lucky that you are able to go cycling touring in so beautiful places! Thanks Pavlos.( Cyprus)

    12. Really nice video, Mike. Thanks for posting. Beautifully peaceful and serene ride and camping areas. Glad things worked out well for you so that you could bike tour.

    13. Nice video Mike!! – Overnighters are great way to keep in the bike touring / camping rhythm 🙂 I have used my Trangia (27) all over the world and it is still my go-to cooking setup. I also carry a MSR Pocket Rocket as a backup in case i cannot find any meths or alcohol to burn. What sleeping bag and sleeping pad are you using for spring / summer in Sweden??

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