In this intriguing history documentary, “Could Humans Be Earth’s First Civilization? Shocking Discovery Unveiled,” we explore ancient civilizations and their secrets, using creative and critical thinking to delve into the mysteries of ancient history and Mesopotamia, with fascinating facts of life and education from Bright Side Space and Bright Side Videos, while examining the role of astronomy and the solar system in our understanding of Earth’s past, providing interesting videos and insights into archaeology, the Sun, planets, and the origins of civilization.
Animation is created by Bright Side. —————————————————————————————-
Music by Epidemic Sound
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  1. As other "intelligent" people have pointed out, there are MANY holes in our evolution and most is soley dependant on theory alone. As an 11 year old in the past, I love the story telling here and accept this presentation, lol. As a 47 year old NOW, I already know that there are too many "what ifs", too many "red flags", too many holes that just don't make any sense to believe any of this as factual. 😂

  2. Many millions of years ago certain species of insects evolved into the insectoid aliens and certain species of dinosaurs evolved into the reptilian aliens and they hide and reside deep underground and this is their planet not ours.

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