Balkans Cycling Adventure – BCA. Cycle Day 41: Cycle Belgrade to Beograd Centar station – Train to Niš – cycle to Niš accom. Total 4.7km. Counting it all as still challenges on the cycle sections. Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. Connal Kit for all your cycle touring clothing.
    Time to revisit the bookshop street for a coffee before packing the bikes up and riding to the railway station. We were fortunate – our ride to the station stayed dry for us. Arrived in good time. Train journey took 7 hours with 54 stops. Top speed 100kph but often only 30 – 50kph. Extra stopping – unknown reasons. Possibly weather related. The thunderstorms just kept happening. One series of sparks near our window obviously from overhead trolley connection. Internal power seemed to be affected. We came to a halt, then a crash on the roof and we were off again. Almost seemed like the guard had to readjust the trolley. It was good to be safely inside a train even if only slowly moving. Very low clouds and grey outside. Passed through forest areas and more agriculture. Looks like a lot of rain has fallen. Rather dilapidated stations along the way. Some stops were only a narrow platform and a railing. One stop was right in the middle of the storm. Unprotected platform so people getting on were drenched just getting across to the train. Arrived near dark. Raining again, puddles everywhere. Quick ride in the rain, lights blazing to find our apartment. Hostess waiting in the street for us with all the lights on. Off to find food. Definitely a jumping puddles exercise. I don’t think we’ll get to see much of Niš. Pop 182k is the 3rd largest city in Serbia.
    Cycle Day 41 of 45 over 10 weeks cycle touring covering over 2400km in a loop circuit of the West Balkans in Europe through 8 countries. Connal Kit for all your cycling touring clothing. Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. 26June2024.

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