Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Charles Malet with today’s UK Column News.
    Katie-Jo Murfin joins for UK Column Extra
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    Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-31st-july-2024


    1. Why specify "police officer kicking a dark skinned person in the head" as if skin colour makes a difference – that thinking is part of the problem

    2. They are filled with frustration, despair and fear.

      We have tolerated mass immigration for 70 years inflicted on us by people committing treason.

      My ex-wife is an immigrant I used to be pro-immigration. The illegal invasion means I have changed my mind it's putting us in peril. Unless Starmer stops giving asylum to another million people I predict we are going to see civil war here very soon. Being ex-Military I am talking to other veterans they are saying the same.
      Regarding the police, they are seen as oppressors who are colluding with those in the UK government who are committing treason against us. You can see it in their two-tier policing. Last night thousands of Africans took over Southend then on social media you saw them fighting with each other with machetes. What are the appeasers going to do when those machetes are being swung at their heads. Holding up a banner with the vacuous Hope Not Hate platitude is not going to protect you.
      They are importing psychopaths, child murderers, Rapists, and Robbers into the country and calling them asylum seekers. In doing so they have made this country very unsafe. This is what traitors do.
      The government have stolen from the pensioners to give to these illegals. They are importing Psychopaths, Child murderers, Rapists, and Robbers into the country and calling them asylum seekers. In doing so they have made this country very unsafe. This is what traitors do and now we are all in peril.

    3. First UK Column video I've ever downvoted. Regurgitating mainstream propaganda is not something I expect from proper journalists or respect from your channel. Someone tell Charles that there's no credibility to be gained jumping on the "Stephen Yaxley Lennon" label and to watch "Silenced" TR's excellent piece of documentary journalism uncovering a world of media collusion, propaganda and lies. You let yourselves down badly on this one.

    4. Shocking by uk column, people have had enough of two tier policing dumb politicians. It's not difficult for me to understand how we got here. I'm just surprised the tolerant british people have put up with so much. Kindness has now been taken for weakness, in my opinion.

    5. Anyone with functioning eyes and ears and the ability to see through BBC, Ch4, Sky or questioning Unaparty politician soundbite platitudes ie engaging critical thinking, is branded… Yes that's right – "far right" those much vilified NORMAL people with legitimate concerns who understand media gaslighting!

    6. Interesting under the system your name is fake on birth certificate. Oh so celebrate those who change it. But oh 'Tommy Robinson' "He's changed his" for various needs as family man amongst others. But no we'll just announce it- cause "yeh he ain't the real deal " Agenda 2030 pre 21 'Divide and Rule -Divide and Conquer" oh but I forgot "Controlled Opposition" 🤔

    7. Constant defence of Muslims whatever happens. Totally ignoring the the problems caused by their importation and the threat to us all which increases every day.

    8. Tommy was highlighting the difference in policing in Leeds and the policing in Southport. Why did the Police run for cover in Leeds?

    9. UK Column are showing their true colours in recent years since Mike Robinson came on board.
      Many of us know that you are all ex GCHQ and ex high ranking military personnel.
      Just another shill goverment agency trying to act as gatekeepers for their masters 🤡

    10. This is how it works, the British government or more likely the cabal who run the British government make up reasons to attack Muslim countries.

      They then let people from the countries we’ve attacked come and live here.
      They then do not prosecute them for their crimes and pay for them with our money to enable them yo live in Hotels.
      The migrants are weapons of the British State. The British state is working for the enemy.
      The police work for the British State.
      So make of all that what you will

    11. Mike you are taking the piss with your guest criticism of Robinson, I've listened to uk column from the days wre you started with morse code.
      If I hear you or your guest criticising Robinson one more time I will never listen to you again.

    12. I support and appreciate UK Column. However, I think todays commentary on the Police, Tommy Robinson and immigration we all quite misguided and verged disappointingly close to MSM propaganda.

      Tommy is far from perfect, but that of has given his life to raising issues of unspeakable evil taking place in our society.
      Your commentators pontificating from a great height was all to similar to Uniparty approach of pissing on the British people a great height and telling them to like it.

      Distract from what? Government policy? How many decades have the British public opposed migration, then mass migration? How often have we voted or protesting led? What was our reward? Grooming gangs and mass murder and mayhem. Our own Police turning on us.

      Spare me the lecture. It’s way past it.

      The Officer at Manc Airport may hav acted in anger with that kick. But if the bloke who had been throwing haymakers at several Police had been white he may well be dead now, and certainly would not be walking the streets.

      While I was not impressed with the officers conduct, cry me a river if you expect people to take want to apply the letter of the law with a fine tooth comb here.

      Children have been murdered and you’ve said NOTHING about the two tier policing that inflames tensions around these issues and allows them to boil over. Harehill burned and nothing was down. It burned over children being removed from their homes, not massacred at a nursery.

      This segment had the moral gravity and sense of pigeon.

      Please address.

    13. The Levant belongs to the Druze, they have been living in that area since before Islam, Christianity Israel and Palestine were invented. A long time before borders were drawn in the sand by the west.

    14. I have never left a comment on UK Column News before, but yes, I too am disappointed with the disparaging tone on Tommy. I have just watched a documentary about the background of the supposed ‘water boarding’ of a schoolboy by another and all that ensued after that. It was quite enlightening or maybe I should say endarkening.

    15. A lot of people are considering that various events are psyops to stir and engineer lock downs, gift starmer more control etc… People seem to have forgotten convid and coercive control!

    16. Anytime the US says "deter an escalation", they mean "we will protect Israel from the consequences of their criminal actions". I'd love to ask American soldiers who volunteered to protect their country, what does it feel like risking your life for Israel?

    17. Quite right to query Tommy Stephen Yaxley Lennon – if he’s not an MI5 asset agent provocateur I’d be very surprised (ask yourself how gets in and out of the U.K. so quickly and appears on tv at drop of hat when real EDl leaders can’t get near!) Robinson is a strawman

    18. Only listened to the first half so far and there seems to be a premise people are unable or unwilling to shake off: heroes cannot be 'mis-guided' despite evidence to support it. Having said that it was TR News which put out the tweet. Is that the same as TR himself who did air a video stating the violence was not good for the cause. This was a narrowly focussed segment and I suggest reading the transcript closely. I was surprised to find I didn't always hear what I thought I heard and vice versa.

    19. The powers that be need us divided and conquered so woke/antiwoke figureheads are played off. When you oppose the powers, truly attacking the overlords’ MO – like Richard D Hall – you face North Korean style star chamber trial.

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