Balkans Cycling Adventure – BCA. Cycle Day 45: Dragoman to Sofia, Bulgaria. 48km (146vm).
    The final video from this cycling adventure 2024. Connal Kit for all your cycle touring clothing.
    Being Sunday, we thought this had potential to be an easy day, not too far and mainly downhill. Thoughts had too soon. The adventure hasn’t ended yet. Tricky start. Our route ended in a dead end before we even left Dragoman. No sign of a road beside the motorway. The only alternative was the motorway. But look closer – an overgrown walk track through the scrub connected to another road, which connected to our route. This road went alongside the motorway – obviously the old road as it was cobbles for 7km. Only saw 1 car on it. So, we could pick our way on the smoothest part. Roadworks signs, looming in front of us was part of a new bridge under construction and a broken road. Look closer, there was a side track we could sneak around. Looks like a new railway line going in and some roads & bridges being changed around. Made it to the next town of Slivnitsa for the essential coffee. More roadworks and roads not showing on our route planner. Still in the making. Again, we found a way around. Finally, some clear roads – first down into the wide flat valley floor. Sunflowers bobbing to us as we went past.
    Then the run into Sofia. Initially on a 4-lane highway. Glad it was Sunday as traffic was light. After negotiating various roundabouts and crossovers of major roads and railways we found some cycle ways and lanes that led us right to Hotel Leda. We had stayed here on our arrival and our bike bags are stored here. We did it. Closed the loop. Sofia, cycle 8 countries and return to Sofia, Bulgaria. An incredible adventure. The Balkans offer so much and have so much history and complex relationships with each other. We have only scratched the surface. Found a bar for a celebratory drink. Now it’s housekeeping time. The bikes need a good wash, then packed up ready for the flight home.
    Cycle Day 45 of 45 (actually 46 – forgot one of our relocation days early on) over 10 weeks cycle touring covering over 2400km in a loop circuit of the West Balkans in Europe through 8 countries. Connal Kit for all your cycling touring clothing. Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. 30June2024.
    Couple more days here before our flight home. More walking around Sofia; a Day trip to Plovdiv and a day exploring Sofia’s Mount Vitosha.
    Return flights with Emirates from Sofia, via Dubai and back to Perth Western Australia. Then a drive back to our hometown of Dunsborough on 5July2024.
    Balkans Cycle Adventure – BCA 2024. That’s a wrap. Connal Tours – Greg & Jen self-planned and unsupported, carrying all we needed. Norco Search Gravel Bikes with bikepacking bags.
    10 weeks, 73 days, 8 countries, 5 currencies.
    46 Cycle Days; 45 Cycle Day Videos (42 full cycling days).
    Total distance cycled 2425km (Garmin stats on Norco 1 used) Average over the 42 full days 58km/day. Total vertical metres 18492vm. Varied between Garmin and Komoot. Average over the 42 full days 440vm/day.
    The bikes – No flat tyres and only minor mechanicals. Our set up worked well. The people: Greg – 1 crash with grazes & blood (Cycle Day4). Travelling with heart pacemaker inserted Friday 29 March 2024. Jen – 1 crash – broken clavicle (Cycle Day11). We continued on as planned with some minor route adjustments. 1 Bus; 1 Taxi; 2 trains to make up for a few route amendments. Plus the various ferry trips between the Croatian Islands.
    An absolute adventure and tour of discovery. We loved it and are already planning the next adventure.

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