While riding on the subway (metro) in Rome, Italy, a group of ladies made their rounds approaching different people. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but when I noticed they all had different stances and weren’t talking with each other and instead focused on different viewpoints with three distinct tasks… I figured something was up. Thankfully, I caught on quick enough and I wasn’t robbed.


    What I didn’t show in this video were my actions before and after the 42 seconds of time I shared with everyone.

    Before they targeted me, I noticed the tail end of what appeared to be a failed attempt on someone else. While I wasn’t 100% sure I saw what I thought I saw, I emptied my pockets when they weren’t looking and turned on my (very obvious, shoulder-mounted, Insta360) camera – just to be on the safe side.

    Within 30 seconds of the failed attempt, the ladies repositioned themselves to where you see them in the video and engaged me in conversation. It was at this moment I realized they would try to rob me. Since I knew I didn’t have anything for them to take and that my backpack was secured, there was no real justifiable reason, in Italy, to go hands on or do a takedown – as I’ve been trained in jobs past.

    As soon as the train came to a halt and upon exiting, I began yelling to others nearby that they were pickpockets. I kept doing this until they got on the next train and I made sure those in that car knew the group of ladies were pickpockets.

    In Rome, reacting as I would have here in the US would have landed me in jail (abroad). While the police in Rome will do nothing of substance, me putting my hands on them and physically neutralizing the threat (as I would do here in the states) would be reported as a violent crime on my part. As you noticed, several people knew what was going on and they did abso-fucking-lutely nothing about it. If I were to depend on them to be a witness for the police, I’d be toast as it would be the word of three ladies against mine with no hope for an independent live witness. Forget that the camera was recording, in the heat of the moment, only what can immediately be seen/heard is what matters until things settle down and people are explaining things at the police station – while abroad. As a US Citizen, I do not have the same rights as I do here in the US to defend myself and/or my property in the same way when traveling abroad. Please never forget this.

    Again, I had nothing in my pocket, so I had advanced knowledge that while she was committing a petty, non-violent crime, there would not be any loss on my part. Did I want to do something before the train stopped? You bet your A$$ I did. What I wanted to do would have been interpreted as overly excessive and I was only trying to get my tired self back to the hotel to enjoy the hot tub to rid myself of their stench.

    So, if you spot a rosy cheeked group of ladies who reek of ripe underarms … keep your hands in your pockets and watch for the person not engaging you in conversation to not be close enough to snatch something from you.


    1. Isn't it weird that all these girls appear to be the same… why aren't they do something… BTW they are Roma, in every country they are the same, their king allows them (orders them) to steal and hustle, It's their way of life.

    2. They are..well, you know wich ethnicity they are( or else youtube bans) , they are always them. Once they were called nomads, but the don't move away anymore.

    3. I was in rome past week. Visiting the pantheon, i saw a policeman having a scuffle with a scammer involving scarves. After a bit of tugging back and forth, the officer managed to confiscate the scarves. He followed the scammer to his van, exchanged words, and then both laughed. The officer walked away with the scarves while the scammer grabbed some more from his van and continued his business.

      This is why you guys have this problem!

    4. Hi,
      After spending a five night stay in Rome, exiting today for Lisbon. Rome is a romantic place despite the many negative things that you see , such as Homeless people around the Vatican in St Peters Square and many people asking for a cigarette or money. There are many people from Bangladesh who are working in the Service Sector.
      My main point here , is about the pickpockets in Rome Metro Trains. As my wife and I were to enter the Train, a couple with a pram , blocked the entrance. Another lady with a hat covering her left palm tried to open the bag of my wife. Simultaneously, another man with a jacket covering his hand , opened my sling bag. Sensing something is wrong, I noticed that my wife's sling bag was half open and mine too. Half open. As we got altered, and reminded about the Pickpockets in our country, we moved away.
      Fellow travellers may read this and please be careful in bus/ Metro in Rome as all four ( the couple with the pram, two pickpockets) were a gang.

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