1. WOW! What a fantastic unknown super-climber. I think Benji should try to scout him in the PCM. We need a new challenger who could go toe-to-toe with Pog or Jonas. Keep up the good work!

    2. Since this is a sim and not IRL, I'd say that you should just focus on your heart rate. Keep it at 140-150bpm (IDK exactly what your "bad enough" rate is) and just forget about everything else.

    3. Weird comment, but is your heart rate monitor working properly? You were killing yourself at times and it seemed to be reading 155-160 bpm, which seems very low. If you are pumping out 1000 watts at 160 bpm, you have one serious diesel heart!

    4. The pain face is really great. Apart from that, of course, the Zwift stuff lacks the high-altitude air and also that the gears would normally run out. But still: there are many people who stoically don't let anything show on their face. I can relate to the pain face! It's pretty extreme when you have to ride almost exclusively uphill for 140-160 minutes. Of course, the pros and those who want to be: they go faster uphill. I would probably go uphill faster too. But 160 minutes is a long time. Basically a different climb because it's so long. Yikes.

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