We’re biking in the Netherlands, which is very different than biking in Canada, mostly because there is lots of infrastructure for bikes and the people want to bike (and walk) and get along without using a car. We went on a 21kim trip to Kinderdijk from Gouda (and back) – partly to see that we can still do this and partly to go to Kinderdijk when it was not raining.
    There is a reference in the video to floating cows in Geithoorn so here is a link to a web page about that https://heavenly-holland.com/floating-cows-giethoorn/


    1. Nice video, sorry for the heavy winds ;o). The Netherlands borders only Germany and Belgium, and has been a part of BeNeLux sinds 1944 (created in wartime London). It's more or less a predecessor of the European Union. The Lux is for Luxembourg, not Liechtenstein.

    2. lived a couple of years near gouda as a kid.
      use to bike from moordrecht to gouda every day to school, right on top of a dyke road where the wind always seemed to come from the front. rain, storm, ice or snow didn't matter…..and no helmet, we yolo from the age of 6 hehehe

    3. Little corrections:
      The ditches between strips of land are not for irrigation. Due below sea level up seeping groundwater has to be drained away. These ditches are connected to bigger ones, with pumps the water goes to higher laying canals to end up at a place like Kinderdijk, where all the excess water gets collected, where finally it gets pumped into a higher laying river. Due mass amount of water and difference in height many windmills and several steps are needed.

    4. There are 23 million bikes for 17 million people. Many have 1 (luxuary or E-bike) for commuting, as employers usually provide secure parking. Furthermore 1 (crappy) bike for day to day errons and 1 more (racing- or mountain bike) for leasure activities.

    5. Glad you liked it here 🙂 – btw google maps is terrible for bicycle trips, it usually takes you next to big roads when there are better routes available.

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