1. BlueBird1800 on

      I’m currently sitting in a terminal being bored so figured I’d share and throw out a recommendation for my bike bag I’ve been traveling with; a Thule Roundtrip XT. So far with the handful of international trips this thing’s been on with me it’s been phenomenal. Nothings gotten broken, it has ample space to throw your helmet and shoes below the bike (and more if you wanted), and has zip pockets for a few extra items in the wheel bags. I absolutely LOVE the built-in stand. It’s plenty sturdy and super convenient for the unpacking/packing (dis)assembly stages.

      I can’t speak for all airlines, but American has accepted it as a standard checked bag twice now for international flights.

      I guess it’s been discontinued now, but is still available from places online. If you can come across a clearance blowout on one of these I think it’d be a great buy.

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