After riding gravel roads for many years on touring, mountain, and cross bikes I purchased an actual gravel bike, an All City Space Horse GRX. What a difference! On a hot and humid evening I set a number of personal bests on a 2 1/2 hour ride without even trying, I was just out for the scenery. And such a comfortable ride. The purchase was spurred by a large repair estimate on an old bike. Thought I would end up with a carbon topstone but got solid advice from my LBD. The 61 cm steel frame works well for my height (6’-4”) and 650 tires are sturdy enough for the weight I put on them. As a bonus it reminds me of my 1970’s touring bike. This will be my daily commuter as well, don’t really see the need for another bike. Looking forward to many long rides in the country. Thanks to all the Space Horse riders who have posted their experiences, it was very helpful when I was making my decision.

    by AABoot15

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