Has anyone tried the relatively new Restrap hydration vest (Restrap Vest)? I am curious to try it but with it being somewhat newer I can't find a ton of real world experience with it and while I do not mind paying for something that will last a long time, it is not cheap.

    FWIW I tried the USWE Rush vest, and I like the vest design…I don't get too hot wearing it and it is more comfortable to me to carry 2L of water like this than it is on my hip. That said, the USWE vest has a terrible bladder compartment design, I am not sure how they designed it like they did but the bladder has no way to be held upright so it just forms a ball at the bottom of the pack once you start drinking.

    Long story short, looking for some alternative "vest" style options and the Restrap caught my eye but am open to other options if you have recommendations!

    by dr_fishy

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