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    1. GundoSkimmer on

      Reddit servers absolutely not having it, luckily streamable came through.

      Anyways, so this is something I do in the parking lots of trailheads all the time and I feel like… It’s relevant to the frequent posts about how to bunnyhop/manual.

      What I love about these angled parking blocks (make sure its angled dont try it on curbs lol) is you can kinda sorta do the front lift portion of a bunny hop and upon the rear tire bumping the block it slightly hops itself. So you don’t have to do the forward press and as much pulling and crunching which may feel strenuous while you’re still learning the proper front end lift.

      I tried to make this video better 🙁 but this parking lot was busier than it should have been on a tuesday morning lol so I didn’t film a bunch of takes.

      I tried to show the SUPER FAR BACK head down lift attempt as a bad technique, as well as the low effort stiff limb lift lastly as another bad technique.

      Please pause the video at the critical moments to compare different body positioning.

      I should have done a normal bunnyhop next to it to highlight what you have to add to properly bunnyhop without the block bumping your rear end up. Meh. I need to find a better lot to film this in (kinda hard in Los Angeles…)

      Lemme know if you have questions. And give me ideas for more technique comparison.

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