I LOVE cycling. I’ve ridden 2,000 miles this year nearly all by myself and I use it for commuting, touring and keeping me sane. Apart from im losing my sanity because I’m so damn lonely!
    I wear hiking shorts, a t shirt and vans to do up to 75 mile rides on the road doing some proper climbs and a bit of gravel but I simply don’t fit in! The only people I pass are full Lycra clad people who look at me like I’m a bit strange it feels when I’m out dying and trying to ride up a hill in a baggy cotton t shirt and skate shoes… I live in Yorkshire in the UK so we have loads of hardcore road cyclists and loads of hardcore mtber’s. I would say I’m a “serious” cyclist in that I ride my bike almost every day but I can’t join a club because they have rules and I can’t go mountain biking. I wish I could find some people like in this sub to go on a ride with!

    by jackSB24


    1. crazee_frazee on

      First of all, you ride a Surly, so you get extra points from me in Minnesota. 🙂

      Around here, some breweries and bike shops host weekly social rides. Gravel rides are getting more popular, as well, though I usually have to look online for those because they’re farther outside the city.

    2. Two weeks ago two road cyclists passed me and were looking at me really interested and I didn’t understand what was going on. When they were really close one said to the other “Oh yeah, it’s a Rockhopper!”. They were checking out my bike. I was so nicely surprised. I prejudged them totally.

      Your bike looks amazing, just keep looking for other people that you like. I am sure there are people in your area who like and share your style of riding. Don’t give up looking for them! Also: They don’t have to be xbikers, there are all kinds of bikers you could ride with.

      You could start offering your help to people who need support with bike maintenance. After you fixed and upgraded their bikes you can ask them if they want to go for a ride together. 🙂

    3. There’s a YouTuber with the channel 2nd Life Bikes. He’s UK based & has done meetups before. His entire vibe is xbiking & I’ll bet that connecting with him will help you find like minded people, even if they don’t live right next door.

    4. Glad to have you here at least. Check out 2nd Life Bikes and Monkeyshred on YouTube. The 2nd Life Bikes fellow has a group ride once a year at least. But London isn’t Yorkshire. Do you have a local bike co-op? Here in the States many bike co-ops have group rides. You could maybe even start your own party-pace group ride. Put up some flyers in a local pub that everyone likes.

    5. Cantaloupen-antelope on

      I mean if you’re looking for someone who rides exactly the same bike as you, good luck finding your people? But there are plenty of folks who aren’t road or mtb riders….lol

    6. cemeteryvvgates on

      If you ride it, they will come.

      But seriously, just ride! Ask your local shops if there’s any casual/party pace rides or if any of them want to just ride around for fun. Instead of looking for an already established group, just start one of your own.

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