Are we still posting crashes on easy stuff that’s resulted in severe body breakage? Suffered 3 broken ribs, whiplash, severely sprained shoulder and deltoid and really messed up tailbone. Likely would have had a broken back as well had it not been for my spine protection.

    Are we still posting crashes on easy stuff that’s resulted in severe body breakage? Suffered 3 broken ribs, whiplash, severely sprained shoulder and deltoid and really messed up tailbone. Likely would have had a broken back as well had it not been for my spine protection.
    byu/didsomeonesaydonuts inMTB

    by didsomeonesaydonuts


    1. Oof what happened? Lapse of attention and the front wandered and then the wheel grabbed sideways and folded under?

      I did that this spring… riding when really tired, flat terrain, sat back and got weight off the front, next thing you know I tucked the front wheel and somersaulted into the grass. I was lucky and had nothing but a bruised ego and a wet back and ass from the dew.

    2. MoodPuzzleheaded8973 on

      Holy crap man, a wreck like that is just not fair at all. Hope all has healed up okay.

    3. Worldly-Leader-2996 on

      The pedal strikes are the worst when they come out of nowhere. I hit my left pedal on a stump covered with grass that resulted in three broken ribs, tailbone fracture and broken acetabulum, with bonus helicopter ride.  I have switched to thinner pedals and am trying like hell to pay attention. The new pedals are Diety Supervillians and the bike is a Turbo Levo. The pedals are great but still getting strikes with low bb height. 

    4. oof buddy 🙁 … my worst crash (I don’t ride trails, I do gravel and light XC) was from not paying attention and hitting a speed bump at 35kph with only one hand on the bars

      fucked up the whole right side of my body and face, took a month to recover, 2 months to recover properly

      Speedy recovery mate… but take this as a lesson to not lose focus when you’re done with the hard stuff. This is where the worst accidents happen, not just in biking but in life in general.

      we focus on the hardest stuff and when that’s over we naturally stop paying attention and bam, nasty accident occurs…

    5. FullAutoAvocado on

      Looks very similar to my crash last year at a green warmup run at Sun Peaks.

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