In Morroco i found this lovely draining pipe cradled right under a street with a splendid breakfastservice a.k.a fresh goat milk, and with "fresh" i mean still in the warm goat! A whole flock of them!
    This place also had flowing water right in front of it, a fast flowing small artificial irrigation canal. A tiny secluded spot allowed to take a shower.
    Last but not least: The starry night. Holy cow, beautiful.

    by Double_Bass9251


    1. There’s a place off the #1 highway in Ontario where the railroad runs parallel to the road, a few kms back from the highway. There’s a trail that goes out to a river where people fish, but if you keep going down that trail you come to the railroad itself.

      You turn right (west) and hike the railway for a good km or two, then you come to a massive hill with a cliff overlooking the tracks. You can stealth camp there and dangle your feet off the cliff as trains pass just a few metres beneath you.

      That’s by far the coolest place I’ve ever camped. In the absolute middle of absolute nowhere. It was awesome. I’ve always wanted to go back there.

    2. On a rainy day i ended up sleeping in an old abandoned trainstop build by Kind Leopold in the Belgian Ardennes, called Halte Royale D’ardenne. It was pretty special. Be wary for the parc ranger there though

    3. HomoSSapiens on

      Under a ski lift terminus watching a thunderstorm in the distance…then waking up to a worker saying I better move… lightning struck there ~30 minutes later.

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