We got 300€ / each and with that money we are going to buy everything and cycle to Berlin.

    We started our journey 20 days ago from Helsinki by finding bikes for us. We gathered most essential camping equipments after finding bikes for us and started our journey to Berlin across Sweden and Denmark.

    Where are we now and how much money we have left?

    We just accrossed the border from Sweden to Denmark and we are heading towards Germany. Our budget has stayed in the limits so we have treated ourselves with daily coffee as well. But we also noticed Denmark is super expensive comparing to Sweden so one coffee took 3 days from our budget in Denmark 😅 but with this coffeine amount we cycle fast accross Denmark and be shortly in Germany and roads are flat and super nice to cycle on 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

    Warm greetings from Denmark
    Sailor & Peyman

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