What is happening to Jude Bellingham’s face? Jude Bellingham is everywhere at the minute, fresh after winning the Champions League, the new face of Kim Kardashians brand, Skims and staring for England in the Euros. So you may have noticed the change to Jude’s skin on his face recently. In the past couple of months darker patches have appeared on Jude’s face. But what is the cause of these patches and why are they only appearing now? This is called Hyperpigmentation.
    A skin condition that makes part of the skin darker than other areas. It can be caused by the sun and acne. Possibly made worse by the sunny weather in Madrid coming into summer.
    With treatment and constant use of sunscreen it can go away.


    1. Black people can burn, it just takes longer and more exposure. I’m mixed race but have relatively pale skin so basically look white but it takes ages for me to get a tan and when I do it lasts for weeks

    2. Steroids. Real Madrid are famous for this. Look at Gareth Bale and Ronaldos transformation when they went there.
      As is the Spanish national team. Pep Guardiola popped in 2001.

    3. One of the most egotistical and arrogant football players currently. Isn't a 10, not great at 8 and can't defend to save his life. He's on a downward trajectory and will be replaced by Madrid in 3 seasons. You read it here first guys.

    4. May not be related, but for anyone getting dark patches around their mouth…I got dark patches around my mouth as a result of an allergic reaction to an anti-inflamatory medication I used to use occasionally for pain. When I changed meds, the marks faded and eventually went away. The marks lasted for about a month everytime I took it.

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