1. Planned to stay one night at the top of a local coastal ‘mountain’ (320 m), halfway on a total itinerary of 120 km.

      It was a lovely day cruising a peninsula with hidden, hardly accessible beaches (we managed to access to one, it was awesome)

      After taking a dip in the turquoise water and swimming for a bit, I felt a strong pain in my lower back when I was packing to get back to the bike, I was completely blocked. And that’s it. Stupid pain that came suddenly. I could hardly walk, but I still managed to make it with my friend (on our bikes) to the wild camping spot at the foot of the mountain and hopped in a train the next morning (today) to go home.

      This trip was still a lot of fun and I managed to get decent pictures of what I saw. I’m left with a back problem now

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