Balkans Cycling Adventure – BCA. Cycle Day 43: Bela Palanka to Dimitrovgrad, Serbia. 50.5km (530vm) Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. Connal Kit for all your cycle touring clothing.
    Another day of hills, views and very quiet roads. From the start an 11km climb. Some sneaky 10% bits. Then the rewards came. Views and a sweet descent. Back down into another valley. The regional centre of Pirot. Visited a “sells everything shop” for some more WD40. Then a flat run beside the motorway to our destination. Very threatening storm clouds once again. Sheltered under an overpass from one rain dumping. Then took the chance to continue and arrived without any further rain. Once again staying in an Hotel in the middle of town.
    Spent the afternoon walking, sitting, watching, drinking and finally eating. Sporting complex that seems to accommodate all. Some incredibly tall basketballers heading to training. The buy everything shop – this time looking for a brush to clean the bikes. So much stuff you can hardly move. Town sits snugly beneath some very forested hills. Motorway viaduct cutting through the hill. Very close to the Bulgarian border. Last night in Serbia.
    Cycle Day 43 of 45 over 10 weeks cycle touring covering over 2400km in a loop circuit of the West Balkans in Europe through 8 countries. Connal Kit for all your cycling touring clothing. Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. 28June2024.

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