#podcast #livingplanet #environment #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateaction #ocean

    Coastal waters are darkening, with drastic consequences for marine life and the fishing industry. We explore what’s causing our once clear coastal waters to go murky – and how to reverse it.

    Claas Wollna, fisherman from Stralsund
    Oliver Zielinski, director of the Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde
    Florian Hoffmann, biologist with the World Wildlife Fund in Stralsund
    Dag Aksnes, marine ecologist at the University of Bergen
    Maren Striebel, biologist at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment in Wilhelmshaven

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    00:00 The life of a fisherman
    02:36 What is wrong with the water?
    05:37 How to use a Secchi disk
    07:06 Why are coastal waters getting darker?
    09:54 Diving for answers
    12:11 What we do on land matters 
    16:04 The species that is benefitting from darker waters 
    21:27 Time for the planktotrons
    29:09 The good news: We’re not doomed – here’s how
    31:17 Credits

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