1 Hour of Most Disturbing Camping Encounters Caught on Camera #3

    Prepare for a spine-chilling experience with “1 Hour of Most Disturbing Camping Encounters Caught on Camera #3.” This video showcases the creepiest and most unsettling camping encounters ever recorded. From mysterious noises to eerie intrusions, these real-life incidents will leave you on edge. Viewer discretion is advised.


    1. I swear to God, man. Lorta weird and paranormal crap sure do happen a lot more these days. If I wanted to be like these people, I'd want to see Mothman, or even my most favorite, GODZILLA. (and yea, I know it's just a movie) when I was little, I REALLY HONESTLY believed he was REAL, and I wanted to go to Japan and find him or proof of his existence….but it's just a fictional character.

    2. As someone that likes going into the wild there's no way I'd ever take anyone from this video camping in an area that ain't protected like that would make me dumb 😂😂

    3. Ffs…the background music is excruciatingly loud and literally drowns the original audio of the video. It literally doesn't add anything and ruins what you're trying to gain here.

    4. This video would be so much better if you didn't play all the background music so you can't hear a fucking thing of what's actually happening in the video's!!!!! Do better!!!

    5. Why??? Why did you put that obnoxious dumb music in any of these videos??? It ruins it. It takes away from the "reality" of anything. Not that any of these are real anyway but we cant even hear a single thinh other than that ridiculous dumb music

    6. Дебильные каналы эти все надоели, сами напридумывали всякого вранья

    7. Just like most of these comments say, you need to leave out the annoying music. Assuming that you want people to subscribe so you should listen to them.

    8. Can someone explain to me why its better to stay quiet if someone is knocking on your vehicle or camper. I would think letting whoever is knocking know that you're there would be better because if you don't answer I'd think theres a bigger chance of them breaking in thinking no one is inside.

    9. I know this is petty AF, but it makes me cringe when people say, "I hear footprints!" No, you don't…. footprints don't make a sound. You HEAR footsteps and you SEE footprints!! That's it!! That's my rant….. 😅😂

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