Exploring Islamophobia in France


    1. So if ypu want to retain your own culture and values within your own nation, you're somehow "far right". If you're critical against an aggressive, authoritarian religion you're somehow a "phobe". It's ridiculous.

    2. Islamophobia is wrong, but looking at French rape statistics is I can understand why French people could have this presumption of Muslims, same with crime rates it’s almost all ethnically North Africans like Moroccans, Algerians…etc, people should inform themselves tho and not just make presumptions.

    3. So you're trying to argue islamaphobia?
      If you invite people into your community and murder terrorism rape and outspoken hatred for your own way of life is allowed. Then quite frankly the mental gymnastics you try to employ to justify this is truly horrifying. Frogs in a pot literally.

    4. Islam is against human rights. It has been spreading Arab imperialism by force for 1500 years. It must be banned in a liberal society. Islamophobia is an oxymoron.

    5. If there is islamophobia in France why is there the largest muslim population in all of europe? They can choose to move to a more « accepting » country no? 🤔

    6. LOOOOOOOL as french this documentary was absolutely hilarious. Islamophobia is non existant in France appart from a 70 year old Jean Pierre who never left his village in northern France. We had and still have the most generous system for newcomers. Islam in France is increasing so how on f*** can you presume that France has a problem with Islam? This term was created by Muslim brotherhood to question every critique on Islam. You cannot openly talk about the issues of the muslim community without getting cancel it's unbelievable how our own humanism has silence us. YES muslims have issues that they need to address and then solve. We always talk about how France is terrible for it's muslims but can we for once maybe talk about how France was a heaven for muslims persecuted around the globe ? because of the media, muslims portray our country as the worst in terms of racism but if you only knew how the extremists use that to hate us even more. Stop this nonsense and let's address issues that muslims bring to Europe

    7. Don't forget those people enriched France without having seen the slightest dividend.
      Overnight they got rid of them and threw away all their know-how.

      There are nowadays other chalenges since the world has change.

      As an example : The town of Denain is the poorest city of France.
      Well! it has changed a bit because of the work done by some politics and for the most: simple people.
      Criminality is high, education is sometimes low.

      So the people do not give a damn nowadays to the "Good way to think" of Parisians. They just hate them!

    8. You must retain the last sentence of Marine Lepen:
      I do not have any grief on other civilizations but they aren't mine.
      Is it still permitted to like our civilization, in France, and prefer it to some others? It becomes difficult i think!
      Nowadays Patriotism is old-fashionned. Nationalism is a crime.
      While in many countries from where come our immigrated people,
      They would often don't accept us to come in their country and behave like they do.

    9. I'm more concerned with what they are inflicting upon Jewish and native French people than supposedly suffering. I've never in my life seen one instance of this mysterious "islamophobia" in my 74 years on earth, but I've seen them persecute many other minorities.

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