After a restful sleep I take off from Haarlem and head through Zandvoort to get onto the Dutch coastal route that will take me to the lovely city of Delft.

    0:00 Cycling around the Netherlands
    0:34 Choosing a route
    1:34 Bicycle highways
    3:33 Dutch Coastal route
    4:00 Intercity Bike paths
    4:57 German bunkers
    6:09 Eerst (geef) mijn fiets terug
    7:16 bicycle lane curiosities
    7:49 The Hague Suburbs
    8:55 The Fietsstraat (Bike Street)
    9:57 Delft


    1. The rumble strips are to make the road a bit wider for car traffic, so they don't get stuck in the sand, without making the road feel very wide. It keeps speeds down.

    2. @737 Those are for providing a hard shoulder without making the path wider, and because they have holes they also allow for plants to grow.

    3. 7:44 is not a rumble strip, although the noise is part of it too it serves as a shoulder for cars driving there when they meet traffic coming from the opposite direction. this is done in various ways mostly with rural roads since most of the adjacent land around the road is owned by farmers, home owners and sometimes protected thus widening the road is not allowed.

    4. 7:34 You are cycling through a drinking water production site 🙂 It uses the dunes to filtrate water. I think that underneath that cycling path there are a couple water pipes running to the production plant for further cleaning. Those pipes need to be accessible, so you cannot use asphalt. The rumble strips are there to give personnel acces to the area. I will check on this coming Monday, I work at the water company 🙂

    5. Hey, its Delft! The church tower that is black as a kettle in the video has been cleaned recently, it looks a lot better now.
      The cycling route you took through the dunes is great, my favorite part is around Noordwijk and Katwijk, the dunes are very wide there, it feels really remote when you're out there.

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