Is Austria hungry enough for victory? Join Cody as he looks at this solitaire states of siege game set during World War I from Tabletop Tycoon and Victory Point Games. Will it preserve the monarchy on your tabletop? Or will it just collapse on game night? Let’s watch!
Cody Carlson, PhD:
Galaxy of Games:
This has been my grail game since you bring it up in the dawn of zeds review. Hope for a reprint😢
looks much better now. the old one was too small. thank you as always
Btw great companion “The Fortress” by Alexander Watson…
Text on Ottoman Sunset same issue. Need bigger text. Minuscule. Everything else is done so well…how did they mess up the cards🤦🏼
So, was it Solar or Lunar?
I had presumed that Worthington Games owned the rights to reprint the VG SoS games and was awaiting the next KS campaign from them. Since the original Hapsburg Eclipse, and Ottoman Sunset could be merged into a single gameplay session, I wonder where that stands?
Picked this up along with Ottoman Sunset and I was really impressed with them. Same quality as the Worthington SoS reprints, nearly half the cost
Hapsburg???? (sic!) really……
Absolutely loved the outro to this one. So much drama and feeling. 🙂
Thanks for the review, Cody! As always, your analysis is bang on, and you brought another brilliant game into my life. One thing though: