Hi and welcome to my channel! My name is Elizabeth and in 9 days by bike I cycle all the way from the Netherlands to Copenhagen. By myself. And so far I’m loving it! Yesterday was the first day of cycling in Denmark and to get here I took the ferry from Germany. So today the adventure in Denmark continues!

    In this video I visit some nice supermarkets, pass the most beautiful views and have wonderful weather (again)! And I’m waiting for a train that never comes… Oepss…

    Thanks for watching this video and if you liked it, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel! See you in the next one when I arrive in Copenhagen!!


    1. The small Church by the road and the water has a "Memorial Stone" for SAS Major, Anders Lassen, who was born close by and who fell and became buried in north Italy (Argenta Gap, Military Cemetary) and – posthumously became the Highest Avarded foreign soldier in English Service, with a "Victoria Cross" on top of his many other Avards. As a Sailor he joined the English Army early in the war.
      By that, Præstø is the Home of the single Danish Supersportscar. A "Ferrari/Lamborghini" like, Danish designed: "Zenvo"!
      It is being handbuilt in a small Factory.
      The hole is – most likely a part of the huge Faxe Kalkbrud, or a similar area by Stevns, where they also dig Chalk for commercial reasons? Many of the ancient Churches around in the area has been built using "chalk stones" from a quarry on the coast of Stevns. Finn. Denmark

    2. Another great video.The scenery around Kalverhave is similar to where I live in eastern England.I really enjoy these videos and cannot wait for you to try cycling in England where cyclists are hated!!!

    3. In Stege Where you had the closed Aldi there’s a shop just next to the building. They have loads of fresh healthy foods, bakery, butchers etc. nice episode as always 👍🏼

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