July 23, 2024. RFs now standing at approximately 568k+ Military Personnel Losses.

    🚲 #BicycleArmy 🚲

    My “Juzzie News TV” my other Content + Backup Channel:-

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    This is quite the labor of love for me, although it’s now taking up a keen 50+ hours of my week up 😅. If you’d be willing to support me, you can Buy me a Coffee, at:


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    It will also help me reach my goal of creating daily video uploads! Pinky Swears.

    Creator’s Overall Point of View:
    These analysis videos tend to make commentaries on the shortfalls of an autocratic way of governance, like that of Russia’s.

    More over, it’s been relatively easy to come across (in my daily research findings) examples of failures of this autocratic system (wherein power is consolidated by one person at the top[Putin]).

    Thereby, creating a system where people within that system are afraid to speak truth to power – an inability for Russian Henchmen/Oligarchs to communicate to the Person at the top – openly, about the critical (pernicious) issues facing their country economically, militarily and technologically.

    ie. An increasingly isolated and unaware Vladimir ‘Presitator’ Putin.

    ** Videos created for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. This content is edited as short excerpts and shared only for the purpose of awareness; all with a dose of Political Satire, and from the perspective of Education & Technology.

    *** Unexpectedly inspired by the political news and educational show stylings of John Oliver & Seth Meyers. Elements of political satire included.

    Further information:
    I do not condone vioIence. Please note instead that I do support a Country’s right to protect and defend its own sovereignty, the right to exist, and maintain its freedom and way of life.

    Peace Out.

    Juzzie Bio:
    Military Supply Chain
    and Logistics Specialist.
    All Love.


    1. Remember that the US delivered several Avenger setups, and I believe a few of the Strikers also had the Stinger pod. It looks like a Stinger in flight, with the flight motor going all the way to target, one of the tall tell signs. It didn't have the normal drop of a shoulder-fired version though, which suggests it's from a pod mount.

    2. Something important to know, for all who interested in history and/or support Ukraine:

      Rus' ought not to be confused with modern “Russia”, which derives its name from the Rus' but historically is a completely different state, which almost all its existence was at war with the Rus'.

      Just like the Holy Roman Empire was actually Germany, “Russia” is actually Muscovy, despite their best attempts to convince everybody otherwise.

      Its name “Russia" received only in the 18th century, when Peter I simply changed Muscovy’s name into the “All Russian Empire” (Russia originates from Rosia, name used by the Greek Orthodox Clergy in regards to Rus')
      Under the reign of Cathrine II Muscovites where even punished for continuing to identify as Muscovites, and were forced to call themselves Russian.

      Lands that Russia (Muscovy) claims were part of the original Rus', but actually weren't, are Novgorod, Suzdal, and Ryazan, since in historical texts of XI-XII centuries they are mentioned as separate entities from Rus'. They can be considered parts of extended Rus', although their culture was distinct from main Rus'.

      In 1493, Muscovite duke Ivan III appointed himself to be the Great Ruler of All Rus'. No other kings acknowledged that. From that point on Muscovy started to make false claims on Rus' ownership.

      “Russia” is an offshoot of Ukraine and not the other way round, despite what Soviet and Russian (Muscovite) historians have been trying to say for years. A Slavicised Finnic, then later, Mongolized offshoot. Kyiv was a developed cultured capital when Moscow was just another swamp village.

      Moreover, in the Italian sources of the 15th century it is likewise mentioned, that Russia is bordered by Poland to the west, Lithuania and Livonia to the north, and Muscovy to the east, further proving that Russia historically speaking, is an exonym of Ukraine, that was stolen by Muscovy.

      Germany used to call itself the Holy Roman Empire, that didn’t mean they became the Romans, and all of a sudden had a right to claim whole of Italy and its history, but yet, that’s exactly what Russia (Muscovy) did in regards to Rus'–Ukraine, which is a horrible injustice!

    3. 2nd attempt at a very minor point, but by my calculations this is day 881! So why 879? Here is how I count them. The war 'resumed' (it had never stopped but the resumption is 2022) February 24 agreed? Not a leap year so 5 for Feb 22 agreed? Thus 2022 = 311 for 2022 + 365 for 2023 and 2024 is a leap year so by 23 July we have + 205 days and that makes 881. So why do we have a 2 days difference? Otherwise good work carry on from a fellow Australian.

    4. Where are those North Korean conscripts ?:) This is so amazing. Russia is eating itself. Those personal losses @ 1200 per day! The equipment losses! Millions of dollars of smoking twisted metal rusting in Ukraine while Russian cities and towns plan their descent into medieval style alternatives. It is surreal to watch a country kill itself and staggering to know the Russians have internet and and could see it all for themselves, if they cared for the truth.

    5. I had one of those Chinese bicycle engines. China manufacturers them, but they are of Russian design (as far as I know). The engine I got was loose enough in manufacturing that it came with low compression and wasn't worth owning. Just last week there was a guy up here removing it from my bicycle to use the "brand new" engine for parts. Ukraine doesn't have to waste drones on those, they will break down on their own, and when they break they usually wipe out the spokes in the rear wheel, so the bike can't even be moved without carrying the rear end as the rear tire won't turn.

    6. tại sao các đơn vị của ukraine và các vũ khí trang bị vẫn bị tập kích có phải tình báo nga quá giỏi trong việc thu thập các tin tình báo do bọn phản quốc đang ẩn nấp trong các đơn vị của chính phủ và quân đội ukraine gửi về không hay do bộ quốc phòng và chỉ huy các đơn vị quân đội ukraine quá yếu kém

    7. bộ quốc phòng ukraine lên nhờ châu âu và mỹ gây nhiễu các vệ tinh cả thương mại và vệ tinh quân sự của bọn nga bay qua lãnh thổ ukraine

    8. In Vovchansk, that 30 man replenishment lost 21 men, as this guy says they are total of 10 left. Obviously that Lord of the Flies was temporarily alive that time 😂

    9. I remember getting angry with juzzy last year for not posting a video each day!! I forgive him now!! The quality and tone is excellent and the non-bias and objectivity is- well – just as I like it!! Thanks juzzie

    10. Wood fires in Moscow high rises-what could go wrong! I think Russia needs to be shown their own TV ad from 2023 where they showed a German family so cold from no heat that they had to eat their canary!!

    11. The motorised bicycle is not so funny ewhen you remember that the bike was stolen from Ukrainians living under 0rcish tyranny, and that they were probably murdered . .

    12. If you appreciate the work of this channel, please make the effort to recommend it on other channels. The number of subscribers is absurdly low considering the quality of the content.

    13. My aunt (a nurse) cycled around Europe following 7 May 1945 using a bicycle like the one the Russians are now using.
      The Ruskies clearly took notes😂😂😂😂

    14. Funny thing is to fit wood heaters in apartment buildings that are multileveled….. I would not be suprised at all when the one living above them starts to complain if and when the one below makes a hole in their ceiling to install the flue for it…. Hence the start of a domino effect…LOL…. Ahhh russian logic..hehe

    15. Hi Juzzy, thank you man 👍
      If I were to believe what I which I ££#@ don't. According to Wion news. Zaluzhnyi has gone missing.
      I did not watch, just caught the headline.
      Be well.

    16. Good presentation today Jizzie.

      One thought for invaders in Ukraine:

      “If you don’t respect the Ukrainian people and their centuries long desire to not be ruled by Russia or others, you don’t belong in Ukraine. So get out before you get your thrown out!”

      «Якщо ви не поважаєте український народ і його багатовікове бажання не бути під владою Росії чи інших, вам не місце в Україні. Тож виходьте, перш ніж вас викинуть!»

      Слава Україна!

    17. Jezzie, thank you for your work and update on Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪💪💙💙💛💛👍👍👍

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