The best moments of the Tour de France 2024.

    From the streets of Monaco to the coastline of Nice, the final stage of the #TDF2024 was a race against time. It was the top 3 who shone the brightest, bringing this 111th edition to a close.
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    1. Biniam Girmay history maker and superstar of cycling from Asmara Eritrea Africa am his fan from Ethiopia, hate it or love it 👑Bini👑is King of sprinters of tour de france 2024, his fan from Ethiopia 🇪🇹

    2. Please release a video showing the behind-the-scenes making of these videos. Let us meet the production wizards.

    3. Tadej is the best ever probably…the only problem I have is that Jonas was doping…directors of Visma are really dirty…Pogacar is the best in the world and Jonas took 7 minutes on 2 stages last year…this year Tadej is in the best form of his life, Jonas was after injury and he took max 2 minutes in 1 stage…#dirtyfisherman

    4. Great video and race overall, but something that stood out for me was the near complete absence of Biniam Girmay throughout this highlight video. What's up with that? He was maybe the most exciting story of the entire tour… Anyways hats off to all riders regardless

    5. Biniam Girmay wining 3 gold🥇🥇🥇and two silver. He had a terrible crush and still won the green jersey is crazy. What makes it crazy is that he did this with the weakest and poorest team. Biniam is absolutely beast by far best sprinter in the world rn. Respect to all cyclists tdf is not easy tournament

    6. I really like this years TDF because of different routes. It became a little boring especially the last day finishing in Paris but this year was fresh, more dynamic and fun. Hope they decide to do more diverse tdf in the future

    7. Great editing in the "movies". The Green Jersey trophy is much prettier than the Tour champion. The others horrible. The Sterrato stage, in my opinion, was the best stage of all. It looked like a Spring Monument. Battle from start to finish. Then Vingegaard's victory in photofinish in Pogačar, the Time Trial that Remco won because the partials were contested by the three overall favorites. And on stage 20 the power of Pogačar to defeat Vingegaard. The cry of the Total Energies runner Matteo Vercher when he apologized to his teammates for not winning was very emotional and honest. And at the awards ceremony when Tadej gives the stuffed Lion to Biniam Girmay and his family. The worst thing, like last year, is the differences in times. It doesn't seem like a career path.

    8. This really captured all the emotion. Tour de France is not just a race. It’s dreams coming true, legends being made and history written. This highlight was truly amazing

    9. Perhaps the BEST Tour in many years! Absolutely loved it! I liked the changes in stages etc and the racing was incredible. I’m enjoying the Tour again. Looking forward to next year.

    10. A stunning Tour. One thing is clear, climbing days in stages 1 & 2 settled the peleton before the sprint stages, which seems to have resulted in fewer gc guys abandoning early due to crashes. Spectacular racing also in the first few days, really opened things up.

    11. Aujourd'hui avec un certain Jonas Vingegaard et un certain Tadej Pogacar, on vient de vivre le même scénario d'un certain Lance Armstrong, Tout le monde sait que ce que se passe autour des coureurs et aux chambres des hôtels mais personne ne parle car ils profitent tous de cette situation, soit : les Coureurs + les Équipes + les Directeur Technique + les Dirigeants + les Organisateurs + le Staff Médical + les Contrôleur et même les journalistes, ils sont tous payer pour garder le silence !!!
      Maintenant apres 20 ans du cas Lance Armstrong, le budget de tour de France est devenu colossal par rapport aux années 90 !!! Les maillots des joueur et les voitures et même les vélo sont remplis par les logos des sponsors, les pubs des sponsors sont diffusées tout les quart d'heure sur les chaînes qui diffusent le tour de france
      Mêmes les spécialistes qui sont présents sur les stidios, expliquent les performances irréelles des coueurs ( Jonas et Tadej) par rapport aux anciens champions !! Expliquent tout sa comme le développement de la technologie et aussi la nutrition !! Personne ne parle de dopage aux studios des chaînes qui diffusent le tour !!
      A la fin pour moi dans le domaine de cyclisme il veut mieux de légalisé le dopage pour tout les coureurs, et par la suite on va découvrir qui est le meilleur et le champion cycliste dopé (comme il a dit Lance Armstrong pour défendre son tricherie : "tout le monde dope a cette époque !! Et j'étais le meilleur cycliste qui dope") quelle ironie !!
      Tadej Jonas ou encore lance sont tous un produit dans les mains des homme qui dirigent le cyclisme homme puissant qui vendent se produit au spectateur d'une façon similaire à un film d'Hollywood just pour faire de l'argent bcp plus d'argent

    12. What a superb tour and one that, despite dominance from Pogacar, leaves us with hope for another fantastic competition next year with Vingegard and Remoc hopefully able to avoid incidents earlier in the season and give him some competition. All 3 emerged with immense credibility and for Pogacar, having suffered his own bad luck last year, he deserved this. Pogi lit up the race. Jonas showed his grit. Remco arrived as a future Tour contender. What a year.

    13. Insanely beautiful yet brilliant work✨ Pogacar, had he been a little more alert, could've won 10 stages this year. Hope he fixes it next year and gets 12 stages. Could pass Cavendish in 2026 itself. Shouldn't lose in mountains at all💦

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