London resident @ekudduke has recently gained online attention for his unique way of exploring the city on his bicycle – with his feline companion by his side. In a video captured on April 22nd, 2023, he can be seen carrying his indoor cat, in a porch carrier on his chest while cycling around London’s busy streets.

    According to the author, he decided to take his cat out for some fresh air and to see the world outside of his indoor surroundings. And to his surprise, the cat took to cycling like a natural, meowing in delight as they rode around the city. @ekudduke could be heard communicating with his furry friend throughout the ride, commenting on the speed.

    As the author and his cat explore London, they have developed a unique language of their own. The author commented that he feels as if he has officially made his cat his fourth language. The nuances and subtleties of their interactions have become something special that only they can understand.

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