1. I don't mind the speed staying at 15.5mph I just don't see the problem with having a throttle enabled also to 15.5mph what is the difference between peddling up to that speed or having a throttle up to that speed 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    2. As you already know and as well mentioned it in one of your clips. There is a company that sells ebikes that sells them with throttles that goes up to 15.5 speed that comes with paper work from DVLA that states you can legally use. I think they maybe using that to get more money out of use. Personally I like to see some more companies do this as it gives use the opportunity to choose are selfs. But yeah I think this is a new way to get use to throw money at them. But yeah. It’s a pee take and half.

    3. do you think for one second the police are going to enforce these ebike laws.i see illegal ebikes everywhere on our roads.ebikes doing 30mph with no pedalling every single day so where are the police.probably running away from asylum seekers.

    4. I would dearly love ebikes with more power and definitely with a throttle to help the old knackered knees. Even with a 250W pedelec on full assist, going up gradients is hard going.

    5. Sadly I'm fence sitting on this, I think the police have badly let the public down just ignoring the amount of people riding their own eScooters , and the now emerging e/trials e/motos bikes – which are insanely fast-and very dangerous, I saw an old lady knocked down in Portishead. I agree that ebikes are a godsend to a certain segment of the community. No throttles though, too dangerous in the wrong hands, everyone using a bike on the road should also pay a Small contribution to road tax.

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