Rouvy – GRC Sunday Race: Colle Monte delle Forche, Italy.

    293m climbing


    Feel a little tired following yesterday afternoon’s Stelvio race and racing Colle Tre Faggi a few hours ago

    maybe some bonus routes if the stream doesn’t break

    these streams are virtual cycling routes with Rouvy.
    Weekday streams could be any time, from 17:00 to 23:00 or later whilst weekends could be any time from 13:00 onwards.
    Keep a note of the channel name and click the [live] tab any time as I have no set schedule


    1. 23:06 This is my 3rd race in 24 hours – including two mountains (Stelvio yesterday and coll tre faggi this morning). I gave my full effort to both races, so at this moment my legs are tired and my heart rate has been above threshold for most of the race. I am a few metres from the top of the climb and my only goal is to begin the descent before getting caught. I have a 15m gap with two chasers

    2. 28:26 think i just ran out of energy and lost a few places. My own fault for slowing down a minute ago to work with a group
      Alex catches me at 29:51 and is moving fast. The other two are over a hundred metres ahead, so I have no choice but to jump on Alex's wheel and try to work with him.

    3. 36:00 Alex and I are still working together, slowly gaining ground on the two ahead of us. at 36:08 they are close enough to launch a full effort attack and catch. 30 seconds later and I have just passed them. Just a short descent and then a short climb. This is were my pre-planned final attack was going to take place – on that final climb (indicated by the orange mark on the route profile – bottom right of the screen).

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