Watch the video to know which country is the most Bicycle friendly in the world. It’s Netherlands. Whole country is being provided the same cycling infrastructure for cyclists. What makes them the best. How do they maintain that. How many types of Bicycles you can see there. What ages of people mostly use cycle there. Do they go to work on a cycle. So many things you can get to see and know about them.

    #bicyclecrazycity @cyclinginholland #cyclingisfunhere #lifeinnetherlands


    1. Hi Arijit great video.

      Can you make a video about what people who are moving to Netherlands from India should take it into account in terms of expenses and how much would be approximate monthly cost for a couple with one kid if they live in the Haque or Amsterdam.

    2. Good cycle infrastructure —-> 1 hour a day extra time for moms and dads per kid because the kids have freedom of movement (and are healthier as well as happier).
      Does another point need to be made?
      Ok, the extra time comes in the morning rush. When you wish your kids a nice time at school as they leave on their bikes both the kids and you earn about 1000 karma points. When you don't need to plan your day to pick up the kids from school (and the kids can just come home straight from school or visit a friend) that's another 1000 points.

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