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    In this episode, Farnham’s leading over-50’s physiotherapist, Will Harlow, reveals his step-by-step programme for getting relief from sciatica and why the plan differs to younger individuals.

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    **Any information in this video should not be used as a substitute for individual medical advice. Please seek advice from your local healthcare professional before taking action on the information in this video.** Full policy here:


    1. Everything you are saying about the different methods depending on age makes perfect sense! I am 73 and dealing with sciatic for the first time soI thrilled to have found you! I will definitely purchase your book!

    2. Is using electricity to release or activate siatic nerve dangerous? I could not walk but the theseotharapist stretched my back with electricity vibrations and I became fine, but the pain has come back within a week!

    3. This is very valuable information. I am 73 and had been doing some of the wrong exercises for my degenerative disks. Thank you for clearing this up.

    4. This guy is a crack pot!!!!

      The cause is – a tear in the disc!! Level L5-S1 … the nucleus within the disc leaks out onto the nerve!!

      This guy- never experienced sciatica- and this older business is a fallacy!!!
      Degenerative discs- there’s no nucleus in the disc to leak out- in many over 65-and up- if one at this age has sciatica- there’s still liquid within the nucleus—

      Everyone should request an MRI- this will tell all-

      These crack pots and Drs – chiropractors- are all about money!!! Exercises- bending- twisting- lifting- the way you twist and turn all will make the liquid come out more- and the nerve is on fire- at this level one can lose bowl and or bladder !!!

      5:41 here- this guy has no idea WTH it feels like – if one was to do this- you’ll be crippled and in severe pain- and your going to release the nucleus- onto the nerve!!! They like this nut has no idea what it feels like—

      7:03 oh yeah- and the nerve will be on fire- and spread more down leg if only in buttock area!! Will cause numbness in leg- can have a drop foot!!

      Don’t listen to any of these videos on YouTube- Dr Oz is another crack !!!

      8:32 here if one has the sciatica- this will force more of the disc to release the liquid onto the nerve!! This is the cause of sciatica!!! The tear in the disc!!!

      Again- he has no idea- what it feels like- spinal stenosis is also dangerous to move and flex the back- legs as such!!! Your only making the spine (that’s already closed) with stenosis- to cause impingement onto the nerve –

      10:54 the discs do NOT SLIDE AND MOVE NOR OPEN UP LIKE THIS CRACK SAID HERE!!! 🔥🛑🛑warning don’t do this!!

    5. Thank you so much for your excellent and informative video! Although I am only 63, I suffer from osteoarthritis and degeneration of my spine. These exercises really helped relieve my sciatic pain. Much appreciated! 🙂

    6. Most appreciated, had blocked nerve, sciatic Feb24. Could not walk hVe had MS for bout 48yrs I am78yrs operation success! Now left side (MS) side more obvious. Always weaker. Side, now has Sciatica pain! from gluteus down back of leg, to calf pain to
      Ankle& foot… If you are able to comment on this for these exercises. Ost appreciated.

    7. I am 58 years old and I am suffering from sciatica. My symptoms are heaviness in both legs (when my sciatica acts up it feels like someone is pouring concrete into my feet and legs). What exercises would you recommend?

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