My bike broke in 4 different parts, and it is not going to help us continue the trip… so we will start walking. And boy howdy I am so wildly unprepared for this trek it is almost funny….


  1. if you sit on the grass outside the netto with your sleeping bag eating, soon people will come by and give you money, extra income

  2. come visit macedonia again ..more activities in summer august lot of festivals in the one uve visited before entering bulgaria where they were calling ur name now its season

  3. you really need a proper hiking backpack with a hip strap, surely u can find something not super expensive, should be easy in Germany and you need hiking shoes, not boots but shoes, trekking/hiking shoes, also super popular in Germany, otherwise you will be in great pain because how you carry weight and the shoes you wear influence things way more than you realize. Also, I hope you're not actually walking without bending your knee like that, that'll ruin your hip and lower back

  4. I see you are in Bingen. If you need a place to camp for free (we have a bathtub, LOL), you are welcome to set up in our garden. Also, we can get you to a bike shop to buy a new bike if needed. Or some decent walking shoes. I have a friend who hiked the Apalachian trail and he lost 30lbs, took him months. We live halfway between Frankfurt and Luxembourg. If you want to walk comfortably, you will want to take the Mosel river route. First, it is basically flat and secondly, there are cute wineries and B+Bs all along it.

  5. Knee problems and Carpel Tunnel are actually indications that your back is crushed. Honestly that's probably true for pretty much everybody

  6. If the muscle connecting your hip and knee gets too small from not being stretched and used enough then your knee will start to hurt as you walk because the muscle pulls your knee as you strain it. You should stretch every day.

  7. Dude…apples, as well as most fruits, contain natural sugar. More sugar intake equals more diet coke needed.
    Also, this is what happens when you don't properly stretch before any physical activity…especially with your lifestyle.

  8. The way he leaves his stuff unattended and believes nobody would steal his stuff, gives me anxiety. It is a MIRACLE if the backback doesn't find a new owner sometime soon

  9. Naah you don't have proper shoes or a proper backpack. You walked away from the bike incident but you will hurt your sholders, your back and feet if you continue this without proper equipment. And you will regret it, trust me. If you're gonna continue this walking through Europe series I seriously recommend you to buy some real shoes and a better backpack with straps across your chest and waist. Please trust me you will hurt yourself and you will regret the fuck out of it.

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