In this video, I cover the historical background that inspired the character John Blackthorne in the show Shogun. His character is based on the life of an English merchant/sailor named William Adams, who lived an extraordinary life for man in the 1600’s. I will cover his story, and also draw some comparisons which occur in the show.

    ❗Please note: The thumbnail image used for this video is a digitally created representation and not an authentic historical photograph.

    In the video itself, I will be showcasing some of the authentic drawings of William Adams. I hope you enjoy the video and the journey through history it presents.


    1. I never understand…when letters were written tgey coukd not, obviously, be mailed. So werethey just kept and given when they got home…IF they got home? Or what? If 80 men died…letters must have gone down with the ships.

    2. William Adams was born in Kent in 1564. In later life, he recalled his childhood in a letter, writing: “I am a Kentish-man, borne in a Towne called Gillingham, two English miles from Rochester, one mile from Chatham, where the King’s ships lye…”

    3. الشعب الياباني ذكي جدا و شجاع و يعرف كيف يتعامل مع الأوروبي الماكر السفاح الذي قتل مئات الملايين من السكان الأصليين في أمريكا و أسيا و إفريقيا

    4. Well done, good documentary work, made me wonder why in the world the Portuguese missionaries would falsely accuse Adans of being a pirate when there was obviously no way they had of knowing that.

    5. hello thanks for you video explenation of shogun show caracter : john blackthorne ,
      if you wanna know more about the life of " william adams " i hightly recommand you all to read a book calld * SAMOURAI WILLIAMS by giles milton ( a great historien writer ) the storie of williams adams life trought is orginal departure in deutsland to is acomplishement to the side of the new shoguna…. you can still found a stones in tokyo ( edo )where was he's last location living with is wife

    6. The story of "Yasuke" is a complete lie, and Yasuke was never a samurai. However, it is true that William Adams was a samurai. Whenever I write this, some idiot will say, "It's because he's white!" But that's not true. William had valuable knowledge as a navigator and knew the international situation at the time. William's knowledge was very important to Tokugawa Ieyasu in protecting Japan from the West, which was trying to invade Japan. And William gained the trust of Tokugawa Ieyasu and got the title of samurai because he told Ieyasu everything he knew in order to be freed. Think about it, who would you trust more: an intellectual or an ignorant and useless slave?

      By the way, "The Last Samurai" is the worst. It is a Hollywood movie that mocks Japan, and caused a problem by portraying Japan incorrectly. Ken Watanabe and Hiroyuki Sanada, who starred in the movie, protested to the director many times during filming, but the director ignored them.

    7. i have long been fascinated by the story of miura anjin, what the japanese called williams adams. i have read several books about him, and the 1980s mini series shogun was one of several influences which led to live in japan for nearly 15 years. arigatou na.

    8. What you said at around 5:30 is your imagination and is different from the actual historical facts.

      Don't lie.

      Japan in 1600 was not yet closed off, and it was before the isolationist policy. There were many Spaniards and Portuguese living in Kyoto and Osaka, and trade with Japan was active.

    9. G in Gillingham is pronounced as J in John. Not G as in god. Please check, it’s quite irritating to those of us who know… I dread to think about Japanese pronunciation 😂

    10. Why is there a photograph in the title screen of someone who's supposed to be John Blackthorne. Did a time traveller go back to 1600 with a camera?

    11. Regarding the goods on the ship, I don't think the Bungo villagers stole everything. Williams in his letter says "The people offered vs no hurt, but stole all things they could steale ; for which some paid deare afterward. The next day, the king of that land sent souldiers aboord to see that none of the marchants goods were stolen. " Am glad to hear Shogun compensated him for the stolen goods and took immediate action to protect the merchants goods on board.

    12. The 1980s miniseries Shogun was much better. Besides Tadanobu Asano, where did they find these "actors"? Their acting is terrible (Cosmo Jarvis, I'm looking at you). The idea of Mariko, a woman in Japan at that time, actually fighting is ridiculous. When Lord Ishido speaks in Japanese (I speak Japanese), he sounds like a yakuzza from a cheap Japanese B-movie, not a lord. Do yourself a favor and watch the 1980's miniseries and skip this "version" of Shogun. My wife (Japanese) and I loved the 1980s series, and often burst out laughing trying to watch this ridiculous version. At least it is good for a laugh.

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