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    1. When I was younger, I loved the Switch a Witch episode for how much it scared me. Watching an angry mob try to drown Scooby was disturbing to watch as a child. Also, I can't express how sad it is for a religious, angry mob to exist in the 1970s.

    2. Ehhh only some dinosaurs had feathers like the t rex one of the leading theories is only there badies were covered and the adults only had some

      Also the wooly dinosaur is wayyyyyyyyy scarier than the witch

    3. To Switch a Witch was my absolute favorite Scooby Doo episode growing up, and while it's still pretty good today, I have to come clean and admit it isn't without its flaws. My biggest problem with the episode is that even though it's called "To Switch a Witch", we don't really see that much of said Witch. Come to think of it, not counting the scenes where Mystery Inc. follows her into the graveyard, the only direct interaction the Witch has with the gang is when she scares Shaggy and Scooby in the bedroom (which sounds rather disturbing out of context).

      While I get this was largely due to the shenanigans involving the villagers, I also wonder why that was the case. Looking back through the episode, I noticed multiple shots of the Witch that appear to be recycled, and in some of the later scenes she's in, her model looks noticeably off. So, my theory is that she may have been particularly expensive to draw at the time and that the animators were able to save a lot of money by cutting down on her presence.

    4. As I've watched these videos, it was clear since Movies that the writers and directors of years past churned out stories like an assembly line without greater attention to detail. I was surprised by the witch's DOO score; I thought it would be lower, like Carl the Stuntman lower. BTW, did that symbol on the tombstone look a bit phallic?

      …Fucking Carl the Stuntman 🤬

    5. Honestly the snow beast is pretty darn cool, regardless of size inconsistencies. Love that new patreon member hahaha xD The second ghost is cool too! I really like the design. Despite the reused tropes, poor thoughtout villian schemes, and such, I really like both these episodes for whatever reason. Really enjoy your in depth analysis as always! Wish you and your family well Joe. 🙂

    6. When we saw the name of the new supporter, my brother and I laughed our butts off! Whoever that was knew what they were doing! F***ing Carl the stuntman!

    7. Another wonderful video <333 I absolutely love watching these scooby vids on my downtime and drawing in the bg :] The witch episode gave me such whiplash like I REMEMBER watching that episode and the witch's disguise, and the 'gemini' part XDD but not the twin funny enough but I get why now since they never actually UNMASKED her or anything. Also the other problem with her plan is that, I'm pretty sure a woman looking exactly like the supposed witch girl that just ran out of town now living in her currently abandoned house would either raise questions, basically confirm to the townspeople that there really WAS witchcraft afoot, or they would assume that she was Arlene and try to chase/k!ll her again LOLLL. She may not have been smart but my gosh is this episode an iconic one, to me at least. 😂

    8. As a Canadian I can say it could have easily still been the Canadian government wanting that oil. We have not been good to our first nations people. Also OUCH I felt that sigh at the miniatures. Stop motion and miniature work is still so amazing and a sin we don't use it. Cgi can be good but SIGH

    9. The Snow Beast was probably one of the first times people learned that feathered dinosaurs can be scary. And it was the first episode of The Scooby-Doo Show I ever watched, so I’m glad it did okay here!

      The next episode wasn’t a favorite of mine, though. So I’m not surprised it did so poorly, especially since we never even got an unmasking! What a rip!

    10. The Snow Beast episode was the first Scooby-Doo Show episode I remember watching due to it being included in the Winter Wonderdog VHS. Though I never noticed the Mech being able to change size at will. Baptiste could have sold his size changing mech suit for a ton of money and just left though the petroleum company may have off’d him for bailing on them. As for the witch of salem, another classic episode I remember seeing growing up. Idk why they never gave Charlene an actual name, or why the town saw Scooby who looks nothing like the witch/Arlene and immediately decided to waterboard a dog. Are we sure Charlene was the actual villain and not the Squire? At least from the Witch’s Doo score and the star power of some of the upcoming monsters we can only go up from here.

      21:30 Idk why but this is one of my favorite 2-3 second sequences in a Scooby episode to the point I think my Winter Wonderdog VHS is at the start of it.
      25:00 Lmao that name is hilarious

    11. Oh my, it's been a long time since we've covered an episode that I've seen, and now we got two in one.
      The Witch episode is so wacky, they just pretend it's still the 1600s and just try to murder someone who is called a witch. Is there no law enforcement authority of any kind?

    12. I took too much time to comment the last video and now a new one is out! Wathever, i didn't have too much to say about the previous video, exept for one thing: for your theory about the Skelton Men true motives, doesca foreign nation really care so much about weather controll? I am ignorant about those kind of stuff but it can't immagine how that kind of sabotage could give an advantage to a foreing nation so i wonder. I would maybe still release a full comment if i want.

      Anyways, for this one i liked the Snow Beast a lot and i think that fur or not a whaterver-feet dinosaur would always be scary and treathening. As soon as i watched the episode the totem pole thing felt wrong and reaserchs confirmed my suspicious. Not much else to say about the episode, cool monster but pretty standard plot and gags

      Instead i quite liked the plot of the witch episode it felt different from most Scooby Doo plots altough i didn't noticed how similar it was to Gramps' plan. Even then i enjoyed the change of oace with the villsin not being the most prominent treath, altough this doesn't help her ranking. I agree though that much more could have been done with the twin thing, maybe even have Harlene act weird with the relation tha Charlene replaced her at some point, and also have more to try to convince even us that she was the monster, a future episode would do a better job with a similar idea (cat creature). I don't remember how the gang realized moony was an accomplice exactly but i remember thinking it was a bit of a stretch. I also found the explaination for the glowing overly complicated, why couldn't it just be glowing pain instead of that weird battery that i am not even sure how it worked.

      Next episode the Tar Monster, a pretty cool monster but a very standard plot snd plsn, wich is an issue for most of this season. The lockness moster one is also not much to write home about at least imo

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