A short documentary about what makes Moldova such an interesting place. From the breakaway region of Transdnistria, ‘Gypsy Hill’ in the north or Lou Bega performing at a festival, Moldova and its history are fascinating. Filmed on location during September 2017.

    Follow more of my writing and video on www.alexrothman.org

    A special thanks to Theo Taylor (https://soundcloud.com/tm-vf) for the music.


    1. Our First house keeper was from Moldova. She had never seen before artichokes, tangerines, persimmons, prikly pears, figs, fennels….
      She stole a bottle of olive oil per week probably sent to her country.
      After months She was not able to learn the languange.
      What the hell Is this Moldova country?🙄
      We fired her After 5 months. Bye bye.

    2. Hello!!🫐 Lively Wonderful Start of New Day!!🐈‍⬛ Clear Aware that Human are Living Existences as well as Animals & Plants!👱‍♀️👧🐶☘🥝
      Meats, Eggs, Milk, Milk Products such Butter/Cheese, Grains' Spouses Are from End of Other Derserve Living Life or Deserve Nutrients for Childs of Animals as well as Plant Spouses!🎅
      Best to Stop Eating Products from Pure Living Lifes as well as Little Spouses!! 🙅‍♂️ Life Truly Exist, Nature Living Laws Truly Exist, Karma Truly Exist!🧙‍♂️
      Just Because of Every Person Less/No Attentive, Less/No Care, No Self Reflection/Correction, NO Truly Mean Truth Ways of Living Life! 🧘
      Start Clean Healthy Living Life, From Nature Vegetables, Nature Fruits, Nature Grains as well as Nature Organic Products!🌾🌽🫐
      Appreciate and Greatful Mind/Heart toward Nature & Plants' Efforts as well as Farmers!🤗
      Attentive Aware of Plastic Package from Ready Made Products, Instant Cook/Serve Products to Save Nature Healthy Enviroment! 🧜‍♂️
      Start Changing for Better Ways of Living! Good Luck and Try Your Best!🥝

    3. There is a mistake. When USSR and Germany sign the treaty in 1939 (and as a consequence a part of Moldova is occupied by USSR) Romania is not a German ally. In fact it becomes so in order to get that part of the country back.

    4. Prehistoric period (1 million BC-IV century BC)
      Geto-Dacians (IV century BC—I century BC)
      Dacian kingdoms (I century BC—106 AD)
      Burebista State (82-44 BC)
      Domitian's war with the Dacians (87-88 The
      State of Decebalus (86-106)
      Trajan's wars with the Dacians (101-102), (105-106)
      Roman Dacia (106-271)
      Free Dacians (106—ca.280)
      Roksolans (II century BC—IV century.)
      Bastarnae (III century BC—III century AD.)
      Goths (II century-IV century.)
      Chernyakhovskaya culture (II—IV centuries.)
      Empire of the Huns (IV—V centuries.)
      Slavs (V—X centuries.)
      Mortgage-Kyndesh culture (IV-VII centuries)
      Penkov culture (V — beginning of VIII century.)
      Luka-Raykovets culture (VII—X century.)
      Tivertsy (IX-XI century.)
      Dependence on Kievan Rus (X century.)
      Nomads (XI—XIII centuries.)
      Dependence on the Galician-Volyn Principality (XII-XIII century.)
      Berladniki (XII-XIII)
      Golden Horde (XIII century—ca
      .1340) Hungarian Stamp (ca. 1340-1359)
      Moldavian Principality Moldavian Principality (
      1359-1812) Foundation of the Moldavian Principality (1359)
      Reign of Stefan the Great (1457-1504)
      Moldavian-Turkish wars
      The war of Timosh Khmelnitsky against Matei Basarab and George Stefan (1653)
      Russian Empire Bessarabian Province (1812-1917) Annexation of
      Bessarabia to Russia
      Flag of the MDR Moldavian Democratic Republic (1917-1918)

      Moldova has its own history, which has its roots long before the Soviet Union, what are you talking about?

    5. Sorry, mate, but you missed the point on Moldova, just like countless other vloggers like you prior. All love going to this Communist Human Zoo called Transnistria but don’t focus enough on broader Moldova.

    6. Went to grad school with a Moldovan gal in the mid-90s. Talking to her, I noted that her last name was Russian, not Romanian. She said she was indeed ethnic Russian. I asked if the issues with the fall of the USSR and Transnistria made things a bit tense for them. She said very much so. They traveled in groups and took precautions for their security.

    7. Interesting to learn about Moldova. It seems that Ilhan Shor hid out in Israel (from 2019) for a while but has now (Oct '23) moved on – no doubt to continue his life of corruption.

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