Does Summer in Denmark Suck?
    #denmark #danmark #dansk
    That’s what this video will attempt to figure out through a spirited and lighthearted debate. Watch us discuss whether summer in Denmark sucks – from our perspective as foreigners living in this Denmark.
    Watch Derek argue why summer in Denmark is fantastic. He highlights the mild temperatures, perfect for enjoying outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, and visiting the Danish beaches. Derek discusses local festivals, concerts, and traditions that make the season truly special.
    On the flip side, Mike presents his case on why summer in Denmark can be a letdown. He discusses the unpredictable rainy days that can disrupt your plans and the limited availability of space in the crowd for Danes and expats alike as well as his biggest problem – getting enough sleep.
    We hope you’ll find this video engaging and fun. We think summer is what you make it for both locals and internationals living in Denmark. We’re happy to share our insights and perspectives on the pros and cons of a Danish summer. Whether you’re curious about Danish culture or just want to know what to expect during the summer months, this video has got you covered.

    ➡ WATCH NEXT: Weird Things in Danish Summer –

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    1. I mean the worst part about summer, is those days when the temperature is at 25 celsius or higher, where it feels as you're constantly melting.

    2. Guys, Im likely coming to visit around October… I am looking forward to the weather!!! I live in the Phoenix metro area… it has been +43.5°C for the past 18 days in a row!!!! I have lived here for over 20 years, but I grew up in Minnesota, so "cooler / cold" is nothing new to me…. I am tired of being too hot! I will be looking to move my business and life to Denmark, Ive been looking at Gentofte, and Aalborg… in general… hope to maybe have a coffee with you gents.

    3. You could mention the loooong Sunrises and Sunsets, in the south it feels like someone turns the light on or off. In the norrh it’s a real long enjoyable process, and beautiful too. Imagine sitting on a beach with your new love holding hands watching the sun S l o w l y descent. In Florida that moment is gone in flash. Uh and the colours too!

    4. Im a Dane and I’ve appreciate the Danish “cold” summer, its like I have a build-in refrigerator, when most other say (it’s so nice weather, nice and warm) I’m melting of warm, when most say it’s so cold, I’m it’s so nice just the right temperature for me, would never travel to a warm place, it’s be pure torture for me

    5. Rather be soaking wet in rainwater than in sweat! We are not all heat resistant but luckily we are all water resistant and if you ain't, then buy a wet suit and live in it over the summer!!!

    6. Debunk?????? Try confirm! …and sure – if you want to go and have your personal sphere violated, by all means – go to Copenhagen. If not, get out of town. Literally.

    7. This summer, this month so far – rainy, windy, very little sunny. I keep having to remove unwanted weeds – new ones, persistent ones , the recurring ones – they just keep coming back in my garden!! Still waiting to lounge on my sofa out in the terrace and do some more grilling. Pleasessss sun, come back before the summer is gone 🙏

    8. Fint nok… Men os der bor i "udkantsdanmark" har nogle steder, hvor jer inde fra byen, kan opleve en 100 % hvid strand, helt for jer selv.

      I fuldstændig modsætning, hvordan verden ser ud ovre på den anden side af… the pond

    9. It really does. Luckily the three other seasons ARE EVEN WORSE 😖😖😭

      It has gotten worse over the last three decades. I remember warm summers and cold winters when I grew up here (80s-90s).
      Now it's mostly just between 5-17 degrees all fucking year, and it's never really good. Sometimes it's extremely bad. But mostly just mellow and depressing.
      Global warming brought some crazy weather to many places, but in Denmark it's just increasingly dull and always a little bit too windy. FML xD

    10. 2 weeks into my vacation, and it has rained every single day.. Yeah the Danish summer sucks! Well actually thats not true, the Danish summer is a myth! It doesnt really exist, instead we have a "slightly warmer autumn"..

    11. Here in Copenhagen, the only right time to visit is in summertime, imo. 🌇
      If I should say one thing about the weather in general: It's unpredictable, so as the scouts say: Be prepared. 😎🌂

    12. I'm honestly not sure what to say. May is a great month to be in Denmark. After that i can take it or leave it. There is usually a lot of rain.

    13. Psychological first aid for handling the Danish climate:
      "The weather sucks!… BUT… in ten minutes it will suck in a NEW and INTERESTING way!"
      "I identify as a back-pack person… because lugging my closet around is cumbersome"
      "I'm not paranoid! The weather IS out to get me!"
      "Being subjected to wild temperature and humidity swings builds the immune system. Im VERY healthy!"

    14. This year's weather certainly doesn't feel very "summer-y." Usually, Danish summers are fine, I think, but if you want 30+ celcius degrees, Denmark is not where you should spend your summer.

    15. Put it this way.
      Summers in Denmark can be absolutely great, but summers in Denmark can also be somewhat cold, rainy and windy.
      However, as always, the Danish climate is always about dressing for the prevailing weather. There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.
      It really depends.
      I have lived in Singapore since 2008 and I would enjoy any summer in Denmark no matter the weather. When you live in a place where every day is in the 30s (C) and very humid, you actually long for cooler weather, rain and wind.

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